I’m Still “HOT” Only Now It Comes In Flashes!

This Girl Is On Fire

“It’s warming up outside and I’m heating up inside. This is a bad concoction of a Hot Flash waiting to happen.”

Now the “Hot Flash Dance” begins to the music of the beautiful and multi-talented Alicia Keys. Every time I hear her song “This Girl Is on Fire” it takes me on a hot flash not so merry go round ride, one that I am dying to get off and never get back on.

I can’t help to think about those lyrics that seem to explode in my mind because they express so intensely how I am feeling when I have a hot flash. It’s like Alicia Keys wrote this part of the song just for me.

“She’s just a girl and she’s on fire”

“Ooh, she got both feet on the ground, and she is burning it down”

“She’s walking on fire”

Yep, these are the lyrics that sum up the encounter of the overheated hot flashes!

Unfortunately, when it comes to hot flashes it is my biggest complaint of menopause, because the periods of intense heat, warm skin, and sweating is simply uncomfortable and unbearable. Basically what I am trying to say is this part of menopause really sucks!

All I know is I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, frenemy or friend. 

Lawd Jesus (I’m screaming His mighty name) these hot flashes are taking over. Just the other day I was interviewing one of the actors from “Shakespeare In Love” (by the way this is a great play to see at the Shakespeare Theater at Navy Pier) for one of my play reviews for “Let’s Play” and a hot flash appeared suddenly with no warning my heart started beating faster than usual, my skin started feeling warm and tingly, and my face became red and flushed.

I felt like I was in a sauna and the temperature was turned up 150 degrees.

I looked around at the other guests and no one seemed like they were hot, bothered, or irritated then I realized this joker just reared its ugly head. Not now…please not now I remembered thinking as I saw the star of the play coming my way.

What’s a Golden Diva supposed to do? 

I had to get the interview as quickly as possible, however, when I felt that first bead of sweat on my forehead I had to think fast. I was so mad at myself for eating a cookie prior to the interview. I just had to have that cookie while I was waiting for him to come out to the after-party. Uuggghhh! Now I’m paying for it.

I heard that sweets trigger hot flashes but I didn’t know it was this serious. I had a (1) cookie. I repeat (1) macadamia cookie and it triggered a fireball explosion lasting 60 seconds of hell in the history of me and the hot flash gallop. I literally couldn’t concentrate my questions escaped me because I had to ride this flash out. I had to let it pass so that I could calm myself down.  

Talk about all of that undue pressure! If you’re wondering did she get the interview? I certainly did. Even in my personal summerime moment as the actors say the show must go on, so does the interview. However, one thing I’ve learned about being a play critic it’s definitely not about you, whether you are on fire or not, it’s all about the actors. Hey…but I definitely know how to bring the HEAT to a interview!! LOL!  

Unfortunately, my hot flashes have worsened over the years. Lately, it seems like I’m having multiple ones throughout the day. Let’s talk about the home front scenario’s that I had the pleasure of experiencing.

I made mention of it in my “Men.o.pause” post when I was standing in front of the freezer trying to cool down from a hot flash and my husband asked me was I going to cook the frozen peas that I had pressed on my body? You can imagine the look on my face. Yeah…that look.

Now, my poor husband sleeps in his Black Hawks jersey and skull cap because he says he’s cold in the bedroom. Oh well….I’m truly sorry baby, but I have to have the fan on in order to get some sleep. I can’t wait to turn on the central air and have the house completely cool. I must admit he has been patient though, but sometimes he’s creeping to turn back up the thermostat. I’m watching you, Ricardo!

“Sometimes I feel like I am playing hokey, pokey under the sheets. Blanket on- Too hot- Blanket off too cold – One leg out- PERFECT!”

Anyway as you can see this hot flash stuff is a serious business for me.

So…let’s talk about hot flashes, what it means, and symptoms, how long they last, and what can trigger them.

What are Hot Flashes?

According to Mayoclinic.org, hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth, which are usually most intense in the face, neck, and chest. Your skin may redden as if you’re blushing. Hot flashes can also cause profuse sweating and may leave you chilled.

Although other hormonal conditions can cause them, hot flashes most commonly are due to menopause — the time when a woman’s menstrual periods stop. In fact, hot flashes are the most common symptom of the menopausal transition.

During a hot flash, you may experience:

  • A sudden feeling of warmth spreading through your upper body and face
  • A flushed appearance with red, blotchy skin
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Perspiration, mostly on your upper body
  • Feeling chilled as the hot flash subsides

I have all that covered. Unfortunately, I experience all of those symptoms every time. To be honest, Divas as I’m writing this post I’m experiencing one now. Why? Who knows? 

Okay off of me and back to what is really going on… our friends at medicinenet.com state the following regarding these questions…

How long do hot flashes last?

Hot flashes are typically brief, lasting from about 30 seconds to a few minutes.

The question of how long during a woman’s lifetime that hot flashes last is a different one. Traditionally, it was believed that women only experienced hot flashes for a few years. More recent data suggest that many women may experience hot flashes for longer time periods. In a study from the University of Pennsylvania, the mean duration of hot flashes was 4.9 years, but up to a third of women continued to have hot flashes for up to 10 years. In the Study of Women Across the Nation (SWAN), women had hot flashes for an average of 7.4 years total and for an average of 4.5 years after the last menstrual period

What causes hot flashes?

The complex hormonal changes that accompany the aging process, in particular, the declining levels of estrogen as a woman approaches menopause, are thought to be the underlying cause of hot flashes. A disorder in thermoregulation (methods the body uses to control and regulate body temperature) is responsible for the heat sensation, but the exact way in which the changing hormone levels affect thermoregulation is not fully understood.

Here are some hot flash triggers

  1. Menopause
  2. Stress and anxiety
  3. Allergic reactions,
  4. Medications
  5. Body temperature elevated
  6. Sugar, caffeine, coffee, and alcohol
  7. Spicy foods
  8. Hot beverages

I know, I know, I know…. I should be skinny again if I adhere to the golden rules of “Don’t Eat This and Don’t Drink That” it will trigger a hot flash.  

Golden Divas don’t kill the messenger I’m just stating the facts of our new transition in life. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones and don’t have to worry about this read this post and keep all us that is burning uplifted in prayer for strength, our sanity, and a durable hand or electric fan. Lol

So I know you probably want to know how can we manage hot flashes, well according to healthline.com they suggest that we

Start simple

Some women are able to manage their hot flashes with some simple tools or techniques. Here are some simple ways to find relief:

  • Dress in layers, even on the coldest days, so you can adjust your clothing to how you’re feeling
  • Sip on ice water at the start of a hot flash
  • Wear cotton nightclothes and using cotton bed linens
  • Keep an ice pack on your bedside table
  • Use hot flash cooling wipes
  • Try making a hot flash spray (distilled water a few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil and put in a small spray bottle. The scent will help calm you down while cooling you off.)

Golden Divas don’t kill the messenger I’m just stating the facts of our new transition in life. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones and don’t have to worry about this read this post and keep all of the girls that are on fire lifted in prayer for strength, our sanity, and a durable hand or electric fan. Lol

Okay Golden Divas, try to stay cool and calm because we know our internal furnace has kicked on and has gotten stuck on hot…” No worries because we’re still “HOT” only now it comes in flashes!

Talk to me… “How do you stay cool when you’re going through a hot flash?”

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