“Yes, But” People

4 Keys to Handling These Type of Individuals!

Happy Wednesday, Golden Divas!

Are You One of Those People, Or Do You Know Someone Like This?

You’re probably wondering what the heck is “Yes, But” People and Am I one of them. I thought the same thing after I read my daily devotional. I had to reread the message, and after the second time reading it, I realize I know a lot of women who are “Yes, But” People!

So, let’s get right into this short and informative post. “Yes, But” People miss the good things in life because they always focus on the negative. They miss the flowers in the garden and point out the weeds.

Golden Divas, here are (4) things you can to do if you have someone in your life like this.

1. Be Discerning

You have to recognize that their outward bravado is a deep inner mask that they wear to hide their insecurities. You probably know them too…the one that gives that backhanded compliment and discards it with an insult.

“She’s cute, but she has big feet for her size.”

Unfortunately, this allows them to shift the focus of their fears and onto the faults of others, they are probably the ones insecure about the size of their feet.

2. Be Accepting

Did you know your first inclination is to ignore and isolate difficult people? Most difficult people want to be ignored, and if you avoid them, that provides the emotional distance for them to hide. It also confirms their belief that you don’t care, and you won’t listen to them because you think they’re wrong and you’re right.

3. Be Interested

Okay, ladies show some love and some genuine concern for them, their family, work, and their well-being. “Yes, But” People struggle with giving and receiving love, they are inclined to elevate opinion and loyalty above communication and reconciliation. This is especially true within their personal lives. So, be a good friend and be prepared to empathize with them when they present the trail of broken relationships that they have endured.

4. Be Kind

To be kind can be easily said, then done ladies. We know our patience can be short when it comes to getting out of our comfort zone. The Bible talks about love…

“Love is patient, love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” (1 Co 13:4-8 NIV)

Golden Divas, avoiding “Yes, but” people don’t work; and don’t think about arguing with them or trying to straighten them out. You can’t change a person’s habits that they endured for a lifetime in a few conversations. However, given enough time, the one strategy that is a sure win and never fails is LOVE.

Ladies, do you have any LOVE to give to that “Yes, But” Person in your life? I know it can be a struggle, although, love month is about to end, you can still get a lot of practice in with these (4) keys for the remaining ten months in 2020.

Love you, Golden Divas!

Daily Devotional