Taking Authority Over Your Life

When the Storms Are Raging in Your Life!

Hello, Golden Divas!

It seems as though ‘TAKING AUTHORITY OVER YOUR LIFE’ is the new anthem for 2020. I heard this statement just about everywhere in the past three weeks. Beautiful quotes splattered on social media, commercials running on television, and in the pulpit last Sunday at church (by the way that was a great sermon Rev. Powell), this mantra has become my church motto for the new year.

Those ‘FIVE WORDS’ have been pondering at me for a few weeks now, and how can I take back the authority over my life? This week’s post is all about encouraging you and how you can take authority over your life too!

“Never let the devil whisper in your ear that you’re not strong enough to withstand the storm!”

We all know that trials, tribulations, and storms will invade our lives and make us feel like we are failing at whatever we attempt to do, especially when we are focused on doing things for the Lord.

When we are determined to ‘step out on faith,’ the devil will swoop in and make us feel inadequate and remind us of our past to prevent us from focusing on our future.

Rick and Denise Renner direct us to Mark 4:35-41, where the Bible tells us that even Jesus came under such an attack when He was preparing to cast a legion of demons out of the demoniac of Gadara. Jesus was headed to “the other side” — where a great miracle was going to take place — when, suddenly, winds seemed to come out of nowhere to try to capsize Jesus’ boat and drown Him and His disciples in the middle of the lake!

Mark 4:37 says, “And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full.” The words “there arose” were taken from the Greek word ginomai, which describes something that happens unexpectedly or something that catches one off guard. This word is used in Mark 4:37 to tell us these winds overtook them unexpectedly. Suddenly and unexpectedly, there arose “a great storm of wind.”

The word “great” is from the word mega, which denotes something of magnificent proportions. It is where we get the idea of “mega-bills,” “mega-work,” “mega-tired,” etc. — and the word “megaphone.” By using this word, the Holy Spirit was telling us that this was a mega-storm! And notice what particular kind of storm it was. Mark didn’t say it was a thunderstorm or a rainstorm; he said it was “a great storm of wind.” The word “wind” is the Greek word lalaips, which describes turbulence or terribly violent wind.

This “great storm of wind” was an attempt of the enemy to stop Jesus and His crew from reaching the other side of the sea where a significant breakthrough would occur. So, when Jesus was on the edge of a breakthrough, violent and destructive turbulence showed up. This was a preemptive strike of the devil to stop the plan of God. But it didn’t work, and it won’t work on you and your breakthrough either!

Since an attack like this came against Jesus, you need to know that the enemy will attempt to do this to you as well. That’s why you must “put on the whole armor of God” (see Ephesians 6:11). Ladies, learn how to take authority over the wind and the waves that come against your life. Against your family, your finances, or your body; just as Jesus took authority over the wind and the waves that came against Him.

So how do you handle the plethora of STORMS are blocking you from reaching your goals when the enemy is under full attack? BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE…first check to make sure you have left no doors open for an attack.

Then just like Jesus did in the middle of that storm, you must take authority over the wind and the waves in your life and command them to STOP IN JESUS NAME!

Yes…before you say it. It is as simple as saying those four words. As long as you have Jesus, you can rebuke and destroy every assignment and attack of the enemy and cancel every curse or negative word spoken over you or your family.

You do know the devil’s attack always FAILS? That’s right; the power of the Holy Spirit always PREVAILS!

Okay, ladies, let’s get something straight here! JESUS IS LORD OVERALL!

So, you don’t have anything to worry about when it comes to ‘Taking Authority Over Your Life.’

Enjoy Douglas Miller, “My Soul Is Anchored” as he ministers to us through song. 

Let’s look at the definition and meaning of the word authority.

AUTHORITY: The freedom to decide or a right to act without hindrance. All such authority begins with God, for there is no authority except from God (Rom. 13:1) God has the right to mold the clay as he wishes (Rom 9:21) and to set the times and dates (Acts 1:7).

When Jesus was done taking authority over the wind and waves that night on the sea, the winds ceased, and there was great peace. And “a great peace” is precisely what Jesus wants to bring into your life right now.

You just read how Jesus was under attack and how saying four little words made a significant impact, now divas let’s look at how that applies in your life today.

Divas, whenever you are on the edge of a breakthrough, the devil will show up uninvited every time to throw you off of your path with violent and destructive turbulence. As you may know, this preemptive strike of the devil is to stop the plan of God. If you didn’t know, Satan’s plan would never work on you or your breakthrough either.

Now Let’s Take Authority Over Your Life in The Following Areas:

Finances: If the enemy has created a tremendous financial problem in your life, Jesus Christ wants to match it with an immense financial blessing.
Illnesses: If the adversary has created a significant sickness in your body, Jesus wants to pair it with great healing.
Marriage: If the devil has created a horrible marital mess in your life, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to match that marital crisis with a tremendous nuptial blessing.
Blessings: Whatever the devil does, Jesus Christ wants to match that attack with even greater benefits in your life!

Ladies, if you are experiencing a RAGING SPIRITUAL STORM, it may be a signal that you are on the verge of something magnificent. Golden Divas, this may be the very reason why a storm has suddenly shown up to try to stop you (marinate on that for a few seconds). You see, that storm is your opportunity to see a demonstration of God’s power in your life!

RISE up in FAITH and PRAYER and rebuke those spiritual winds, and they will cease, and a great calm will come, and you will make it to the other side!

Golden divas, your best days are ahead of you, despite what the devil would have you to BELIEVE! Remember OUTSIDE CHRIST you are weak INSIDE CHRIST; you are STRONG!
