Earnestine Davis

Fitness & Wellness

The month of May’s “Golden Diva” interview is with “The Fabulous & Fit” Earnestine Davis. She is the most- fit “Golden Diva” that I have the pleasure of calling my friend and sister-in-Christ for 24 years. This 56-year-old beauty is an age-defying woman when it comes to getting into shape. Her body is the epitome of “age is just another number.” Earnestine has been happily married to her husband Ken Davis for 23 years, she has 4 grown beautiful children and she attends New Life Covenant Church with Pastor John Hannah where she gets spiritually fed every week. As I affectionately call her my “Big-Little Sister” this woman has given me spiritual inspiration and she motivates me to get fit almost every morning when I see her “Facebook Live” videos. I also call her my “Energizer Bunny” and “Superwoman” because she does it ALL so effortlessly!

In conversation with Earnestine Davis on Fitness & Wellness

C50: What is your personal training background?

ED: I possess 20+ years in Health and Wellness.  I consider myself a Life Coach—someone who can take their client to the next level, naturally, mentally, and spiritually.  I hold a multi-facet of nationally recognized certifications: AFAA, METAFIT, SPINNING, HIT IT, Kickboxing, Yoga, Boot Camps, Silver Sneakers, Bellicon (trampoline), Step Aerobics, POUND, and Running Coach.

C50: Wow…with all of those qualifications you can’t help but stay fit. So what is your favorite exercise to stay in shape?

ED: Running

C50: Why do you like to run Earnestine?

ED: It’s my way to relax. It’s Spiritual and it’s my way of connecting with God through the WIND, SUN, AND WAVES! Running reminds me of how AWESOME God is. 

C50: I love it! Hey, can you help some of us Golden Divas out and tell us some exercise tips that women can do to lose belly fat during menopause?

ED: After turning 50 and being forced into menopause I found that it takes more to lose weight. The first thing you should do is CHANGE how you look at food. Food is the fuel that helps the body move. Try eating 4-6 healthy meals a day and then try to incorporate the 5 components of fitness into your life.

C50: What are the 5 components of fitness?

ED: The 5 components of fitness are the following:

Cardiovascular Endurance: This is your body’s ability to keep up with exercise like Zumba, SPIN, Cardio Kickboxing, running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and anything that forces your cardiovascular system (lungs, heart, blood vessels) to work for extended periods of time. Together, the heart and lungs fuel your body with the oxygen needed by your muscles, ensuring that they have the oxygen needed for the work they are doing.

Flexibility: This is one of the most important, yet often overlooked, components of physical fitness. Without flexibility, the muscles and joints would grow stiff and movement would be limited. Flexibility training ensures that your body can move through its entire range of motion without pain or stiffness. Yoga, Pilates, BARRE are great exercises to achieve flexibility.

Muscular Strength: This is the “power” that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects. Without muscular strength, your body would be weak and unable to keep up with the demands placed upon it. The way to increase strength is to train with heavy weights, working in the 4 – 6 or 12 – 15 rep ranges. The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you should perform!

Muscular Endurance: This is the ability of your muscles to perform contractions for extended periods of time. Rather than just lifting or carrying something for a few seconds, the muscles are used for minutes. Try incorporating weight training at least 2-3x per week.

Body Fat Composition: Body fat composition refers to the amount of fat on your body. For example, a 100-pound person with a 25% body fat composition will have a lean body mass of 75 pounds. To qualify as fit ladies your body fat composition has to be lower than 24 percent.

C50: How many hours should you commit to a week to exercise?

ED: I would say 45mins/5days per wk. 

C50: What is the number one exercise you can recommend so that a woman can stay healthy in her 50’s?

ED: There isn’t ONE particular exercise—Just functional movement. Most women 50+ LOVE line dancing.  That’s a great way to get your heart rate up.

C50: Why is it so important to exercise frequently in this stage of our lives?

ED: You want to start ASAP, but if you are 50+ and haven’t begun a regiment, start soon. You will have more energy and quality of life because strength training builds bone density and lean muscle mass, along with a stronger heart and lungs and you will sleep better. 

C50: Are there any exercises that will benefit both your body and mind?

ED: Yes, Mind/Body classes; Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi (very popular among 50+), Qi Gong, meditation/relaxation, deep tissue massages helps to relax the body.

C50: What are the benefits of running vs. jogging every day? 

ED: They are the same. It’s all about your pace, i.e. how long does it takes to complete a mile?  If you ever hear a runner ask your pace, I would reply 10-11 min miles.  It takes me 10-11 minutes to complete a mile.  Most people say I’m fast for my age. The benefits you will gain are a stronger heart and lungs. Brisk walking is also beneficial if you have knee problems that make running challenging.

C50: What makes Earnestine feel sexy, strong, and empowered?

ED: Hmmmmm, that’s a great question—I feel sexy, strong, and empowered when I look in the mirror naked and see ALL of my imperfections that make me…ME!!

C50: I have (1) more question I have to ask you?

ED: Sure what is it?

C50: How can “The Golden Divas” get in touch with you if they want to take their exercise regime to the next level?

ED: I will be starting my outdoor boot camps in mid- May. The format is Metafit! I teach 1 on 1 small group personal training classes and I can be reached at Earnestinedavis67@yahoo.com

C50: And there you have it our Club Fifty Golden Diva Interview with “The Fabulous & Fit” Golden Diva (Superwoman) Earnestine Davis. Thank you for sharing how you mastered “Fitness & Wellness” with Club 50.





  1. Eloise Billups May 6, 2017 at 10:34 PM

    Great article!!

    1. theclubfifty May 9, 2017 at 6:35 PM

      Thanks Eloise. She was a very inspiring subject matter to talk about fitness and wellness. I learned a lot from Erni, now I have to try and implement it into my daily routine.

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