Donna Terrell

Memories of a Friend: An Angel Has Received Her Wings

Hello, Golden Divas!

With a heavy heart, I am writing today. This post is a tribute to a friend, it is dedicated to Donna Terrell, a beautiful angel who received her wings last Saturday. If you had the pleasure of knowing her, you would never forget her. Ladies, you never know the impact that someone will have in your life and how their passing can bring about a ton of memories that were often left behind and sometimes forgotten. I want to share some of my memories of Donna with you this week because she will never be forgotten in my heart.

I met Donna nearly thirty years ago at Salem Baptist Church, during the early 90s, where we both were members at the time. We knew some of the same people, we were acquaintances, casually speaking with polite hello’s and quick good-byes, nothing more, nothing less. However, it was in 2010 when our relationship forged from being acquaintances to friends.

Donna was a woman with a big heart and many talents, however, we connected due to our love of writing and editing. She assisted my husband and me in the marriage ministry; especially in our Sunday School class many times. Donna had a gift for telling engaging stories. Her stories always drew you in no matter the subject. One particular story that struck me the most is when Donna was talking about her love for the game of NFL football, and how passionate she would get when she was watching it with her husband and father on Sundays. For some reason that tickled my soul to see her so fired up about football. She commenced to tell me after Sunday School class that she was the only child and was raised by her father, she liked what he liked, and that was the beginning of her love for the game of football.

When I published my book ‘Walking Upright’ in 2011, Donna suggested some ideas on how to market it with the right wording to get the proper exposure. Her enthusiasm for my book took flight with subtle words of inspiration and a gentle push of encouragement. Donna started promoting my book, without me even asking her around the church (Salem at the time), which led to some sells, and some new relationships. I always held that act of kindness dear and near to my heart. Again, this is Donna’s personality. Get in there, and make it happen.  

Another one of my favorite memories of Donna was she did a lot of voiceovers.  Ladies have you ever talked with someone over the phone, and when you met them in person their voice didn’t sound like they were the same person? Well, that was Donna we often joked about how she can change her voice up to meet the occasion. It was with this specific talent of hers in 2014 that we asked her to do  audio commercials for our radio show ‘Let’s Stay Together Talk.’

Donna was gifted with teaching as well; she was a Chicago middle school language arts teacher for many years. We suggested that she come on our radio show along with a panel that included a homeschool teacher Joycelyn Dorsey, Principal Dana Butler of Irma C. Ruiz Elementary School and Keith Mahone Assistant Principal at Donald L. Morrill School. Our discussion, was ‘Leaders in Education and How Teaching is Measuring Up with our Children’. Her contribution to the discussion was priceless and beneficial in helping bridge the gap between teachers and students. As always, she was straightforward and precise!

However, it was in 2017 when we reconnected at New Faith Baptist Church International, both of us were members there, she again found her way to serve on the media ministry to put her gift to use.

As I started my new adventure with my blog ‘Club Fifty’ I shared it with Donna one Sunday at church and I remembered how excited she was for me. Although Donna was a tiny little thang, when she hugged me, I felt her tight embrace. She was a genuine person, who believed in what you believed in and was willing to support you and help you succeed anyway possible.

She told me how happy she was for me, and she went on to say, Club Fifty is going to be a good thing, having a blog to share in sisterhood with women in their fifties to encourage and lift them.  We both laughed, and said, we are in fact, now Golden Divas. However, as we know, this is something we as women do not always do. Donna suggested some topics I should talk about, I received her input and implemented her suggestions and ideas into my blog. After several months of getting Club Fifty up and running smoothly, I told her it would be an honor to interview her for my blog.

Our topic of discussion was ‘What to Expect in Your Fifties,’ Donna was a delight to interview because she was so forthcoming and transparent. At the time of the Golden Diva Interview’ in June of 2017, Donna was 56 soon to be 57 in October. Her favorite scripture was Luke 1:37; for, with God, nothing shall be impossible, and her favorite slogan was “You Are What You Say You Are!” Donna was the girl with the slim figure and youthful look that had so many people fooled when she told them her age, you had to do a doubletake. She spoke life into the aging process, maybe that’s why she looked so young. If I spoke of any negativity about myself, she was quick to bring some positivity into it.

In 2018, on my first anniversary with Club Fifty, Donna decided to flip the script and turn the tables on me, her words,

“Since you do all of the Golden Diva Interviews, let me interview you.”

Ladies, I never once thought of putting myself out there; however, if you knew Donna, you knew how persuasive she could be at times. The interview was a success, and I thank her for allowing me to share my journey.

I spoke to Donna over the holidays in 2019 at our church, not in a million years I thought that would have been my last time seeing, talking and laughing with her. The numerous phone conversations that we shared over the past three years were priceless. Sitting on the phone for hours, talking about life changes, menopause, marriage, theater reviews, writing, and our dreams. She told me even if I didn’t plan it, my path was always involved in writing and some form and faction. She pointed something out that I often time took for granted. She wanted me to see the path that God carved out for me, my book, writing for the radio show, my blog, and writing reviews for plays.

Donna was an eccentric soul, she had a way of putting things into perspective to make you see things much clearer in your life.  I appreciated all that she brought to our friendship, her love for the Lord, her intelligence, quirkiness, kindness, and sweetness. 

When I read of her death on Facebook, the other day, my heart dropped; her infectious smiled from the last time I saw her immediately came to my mind. How could this be, someone full of life, energy, and encouragement? Although Donna has ascended to the heavens, gone from this earth, my friend will never be forgotten.

When I look back over the timeline of memories I had with Donna, I am thankful for our friendship, it was priceless. It is 2020, and Donna is no longer here with us, however knowing she is in God’s hands wrapped in His tender love, gives me comfort and helps me to make peace with His decision to bring her home. Golden Divas, although we cannot physically be around one another due to social distancing, I employ you to keep one another lifted in prayer and in your heart. Make a phone call, connect on social media, and tell your fellow sisters you love them.

Whatever you have to do, DO IT!!!

As we know, ladies, life is short; the COVID-19 is teaching us this all too well. Our ‘Club Fifty Angel’ received her wings too soon, struck by a vehicle in Matteson, IL. Please keep her husband Michael and her family in your prayers.

Friends may come and they may go, in and out of your life, blowing through like the wind, some are there for a reason and some are there for a season. However, whatever, their reason for being in your life, there will always be a lesson learned, and hopefully, it will be a memorable one with a great impact. Much like the one I had with Donna Terrell. 

Goodbye, my friend.

I know this song ‘Thank You For Being a Friend’ best as the theme to THE GOLDEN GIRLS; however, it is so befitting for Donna’s tribute as we were those ‘Golden Girls’ or as we like to call it, ‘Golden Divas!’

Rest in Peace, Donna!

If you knew Donna and have any memories of this beautiful soul, please share your comments.  


  1. Tina Brown April 15, 2020 at 2:33 PM

    This is an awesome tribute! I didn’t know Donna, however, through this tribute I imagine. Thank you

    1. theclubfifty April 15, 2020 at 6:42 PM

      Thanks, Tina. She was a special friend.

  2. Jocelyn April 15, 2020 at 2:41 PM

    My heart is so sad to here of her passing. She was definitely one of those people that you instantly like upon meeting.

    1. theclubfifty April 15, 2020 at 6:41 PM

      You definitely would have loved her as a friend.

  3. Sandra Banger April 25, 2020 at 3:58 AM

    This tribute brings closure to a horrible accident l somewhat witnessed. I knew the name of the victim but not the story around the life so suddenly gone. Thank you for writing about your friend! I felt that this person had more of a story than the few lines in the news article. Thank you!

    1. theclubfifty April 30, 2020 at 2:45 PM

      Thanks, Sandra. She was so much more than a few lines. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article.

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