Angela Rowan: Boss Lady

Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur?

Happy Wednesday, Golden Divas!

During these unprecedented times of the coronavirus, I pray that everyone is practicing ‘social distancing’ by staying at home as much as possible to ‘save lives.’ My heart and prayers are with you and your families! Ladies, although life as we once knew it has temporarily changed and this ‘lockdown’ being ‘quarantined’ is our new normalcy for a while, we know God holds it, and will continuously cover us in His will.

In this post for my ‘Golden Diva Interview,’ I would like to talk about women who are ‘movers and shakers’ in this so-call man’s world of business. Did you know the higher you look at any company’s organizational chart, the fewer women you’ll find? Did you know women hold more than half of all professional-level jobs in the U.S? However, we only make up about one-third of low- and mid-level managers at S&P 500 companies—and just 6 percent of CEOs.

This statistic is disheartening. This is why so many women are starting their own businesses. So, whatever your preference, ‘Boss Ladies’ or their close cousins ‘Lady Bosses’ women empowerment is alive and striving in 2020. Women everywhere are hustling and grinding right into the future of success with various jobs for female entrepreneurs, despite the Coronavirus. Trust me these ladies will be back on the grind as soon as they are back in the clear to operate. 

So, what is the meaning of ‘Boss Lady?’

Well, the most significant indicator of a woman deserving of this title ‘Boss Lady’ is someone who is in charge, who wants the life of working for herself, and pursues it endlessly. Which at times can look like she is laying down the law, while multi-tasking her marriage and motherhood. The woman that holds this title is confident, charming, fierce, and incredibly forceful. She is a Type A self-motivated woman who derives strength from her gender; she doesn’t wait for someone to change the rules; she writes them.

Golden Divas to understand the institution of ‘Boss hood,’ which is so fundamentally male, you have to follow the intertwinement between women and power. Men earn their title by gaining control over other people, whereas a woman has nothing to do with actual managerial responsibility. Her domain is her own life, and her defining asset is power over herself.

Golden Divas, let me introduce you to this beauty who has brains and brawn she is a ‘Game Changer’ who is running her own business! I have the pleasure of knowing her well over 17 years, she is a ‘Beauty and a Beast’ slaying her goals in her field of business. Her faith over fear persevered when she started her insurance company over five years ago. This diva is filled with passion and courage, while she inspires others, working on herself, and dodging negativity.

Ladies, she is the type of individual that has a kind spirit and an enormous heart. When I got downsized from my job at the bank, she offered me a position to work with her at American Family Insurance. On another occasion, she called me and said, “I was thinking about you” and told me “to look under my doormat, she left me something.” It was one-hundred dollars in an envelope. When I think of this sister, I automatically see her as the epitome of sisters lifting one another up, never tearing each other down. As a matter, of fact, the only time she would look down on her sisters is when she is trying to pull them up.

“There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise and to help others”

Ladies, meet my friend Angela Rowan. She is a woman who instills all of the qualities of holding the title of ‘Boss Lady.’  Angela is the lady that helps people to get the best insurance so that they can have assurance when something happens. She will go the extra mile, whether it is in a friendship, or in business, you can rest assure that you will be in good hands.

“No pun intended Allstate,  A J Rowan got you covered!”   


Angela Rowan was raised on the south side of Chicago, and now she resides in the South Suburbs. She is 49 years old, soon to 50 in July (welcome to Club Fifty). She is a Christian woman with three beautiful children. Angela has been in the insurance business for 20 plus years; and has owned her business for five-plus years. Her hobbies include skating, reading, shopping and traveling.

Before you dive right into my interview with the lovely Angela Rowan listen to the lyrics of Des’ree ‘You Gotta Be’ this song is a motivator magnet! 

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold
You gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard
You gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger


Golden Divas, do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Are you passionate enough to be the head woman in charge? Let’s get right into this interview with the Boss Lady, Angela! 

C50: Angela, what made you decide to open up your own business after working with American Family Insurance for a measurable amount of time?

AR: My passion was always to own my own business. With 20 years in the insurance and banking industry, it segues into entrepreneurship. My mentality…

“If I can run an agency for a company for more than 13 years, I can definitely open my own agency.”

Tell us about AJ Rowan Insurance?

AR: You can find me at 446 E 162nd street in South Holland. Our office is fully licensed and experienced to write auto, home business, and life. Got non-renewed, insurance rates are high because of claims, no insurance, or looking for a competitive rate. We can assist with your needs. However, due to the coronavirus, like most companies who were governed to shut down, my office is now closed until further notice.

C50: What are the pros and cons of being a female entrepreneur in 2020?

AR: Unbeknownst, women are multi-taskers. We have a household with families, coupled with our careers or businesses to run. Women get the job done. I encourage all passionate persons with a dream to embrace the pathway to entrepreneurship. Some of the pros of running your own business you have full control, over your income, expenses, and debt. As well as a leverage of OPM (Other people’s money) and OPT (Other people’s time), flexible hours, unlimited revenue, tax advantages, and the freedom to express yourself.

However, with the good comes the bad, the cons, which includes the following: Operating a business can be difficult, there’s a high failure rate. Nine out of ten businesses fail in the first five years. When you have your own business you are prone to working long hours. Lastly, there is no guarantee of a steady paycheck and everything falls on you, from managing employees, clients, vendors, and consultants. Basically you have to be very passionate about the work that you are doing.    

C50: How did you market and target your business to get new customers?

AR: The most sustaining is referrals, hard to place business, and advertising. I generally work with a person who needs an agent/broker to handle their needs.

C50: Were there any mentors that encouraged you along the way to entrepreneurship?

AR: Yes, I had mentors that encouraged and inspired me. Mentors are welcome. You should surround yourself with like-minded people. You can exchange encouragement, ideas, or the need to vent about business. If you are looking for a mentor, you can contact SCORE, who is sponsor by the SBA (small business administration)

 C50: What do you do for encouragement or to be motivated?

AR: I connect with some of the mentors, and colleagues and I read articles on other business challenges and how to overcome them. I also attend women conferences and workshops.

C50: Angela, how do you balance your entrepreneur life with family and friends that don’t understand the challenges you’ve experienced owning your business?

AR: The adage leave your work at work and home at home, works for me. You must make time or an outlet for yourself and your family. In business, it might not be 50/50. It could be 60/40 75/25. Communication with your family about your plans and goals might help ease the tension that arises, doing the balancing act.

C50: What are the challenges or threats to insurance?

AR: Foremost, I do not sell a tangible product. Insurance does not make you look good nor smell good. You can’t eat it. However, insurance is a necessity like food, shelter, and clothing. Insurance assures you when something happens. As an insurance professional, I have to sell the invisible and point out the importance of having insurance. The landscape of the insurance industry has changed over the 20 years. The subliminal message buying insurance at 2:00 am over the internet or phone is the challenge from the traditional agencies. The leverage I have as a broker, I have access to more than one carrier as a competitive advantage. Our market is for people in need of a personalized relationship for their business needs.

C50: Angela, how many people are on your team at AJ Rowan Insurance?

 AR: I am still looking for the dream team or the Fab Five. I have a talented skilled and qualified person on board.

C50: Did you raise venture capital? If so, can you tell us about that process?

AR: Access to capital is the backbone of your business. A line of credit from the bank is great. This will help you with foreseen occurrence like the Coronavirus. A line of credit can help the need to expand or buy equipment. For startup money, I got a loan.

Bonus Question

C50: What tips do you have for other women who would like to become entrepreneurs?

AR: I encourage all passionate women of all ages to become entrepreneurs. I remember a senior ask is it “too late to start a business.” I said, “why not start a legacy to leave to your family?”  From the beginning of time, ownership is a major part of economics. Owning real estate businesses, banks, railroads, etc. Ownership translates to a generation of wealth. For the most part, we get an education to get a job and not taught to own a  business. If you have the desire, you should seek or fellowship with a like-minded person in the business. There is a lot of programs and institution designed to help women in business. 

Walt Disney: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

C50: There you have it, ladies, owner of AJ Rowan Insurance Angela Rowan, a ‘Boss Lady’ who dreamed big, worked hard, and is making it happen for you and me.