‘An Act of Kindness’

She Didn’t Have To Do It, But She Did!

Hello, Golden Divas!

The Christmas season is a time for hope, joy, and peace; people are jolly and cheerful during this time of the year. However, we get so caught up in the glitz and glamour of the season; we sometimes forget the real reason why we are celebrating. The day Jesus Christ, our savior, was born, is the real reason for the season. His divine attribute of being compassionate and kind is something humanity tends to struggle with, which leads me to this week’s post.

Ladies, every year, I ask God to show me ‘An Act of Kindness’ through people; for some, the act of kindness is like breathing, it’s something that you do, and for others, they have to be reminded and practice the act of being selfless and kind.

So, What Is ‘An Act of Kindness?’

‘An Act of Kindness’ is a spontaneous gesture of goodwill towards someone or something our fellow humans, the animal kingdom, and the kingdom of nature. Kind words and deeds come from a state of benevolence generated by a core response deep within all of us.


“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
Colossians 3:12 NIV

Golden Divas, as crazy as this world is today, we can all practice from being kind to one another not only this season but all seasons. I know this can be the last thing on our minds since most of us have so much pressure that we are dealing with, including getting ready for Christmas. Nonetheless, don’t let life’s reality make you a scrooge during the holiday season.

Before you say it, ladies, I know we get caught up in our own lives and the daily grind of life busyness that as you know we place on ourselves; however, if we partake in some simple things, the impact will be extraordinary to someone else. Let’s practice being kind and participate in doing ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ year-round, …not just for the holidays.

Ladies, did you know there are well over 100 Random Acts of Kindness? Here are 12 to get you started so you can spread joy to others.

1. Pay for someone’s groceries
2. Bake cookies for the elderly
3. Serve at a homeless shelter
4. Buy someone lunch and take them to the movies
5. Tell someone that God loves them, and so do you
6. Give someone you know a ride to get to their destination
7. Let someone go in front of you in line (hummm….this might be tough for some)
8. Give a stranger a compliment
9. Make dinner for a family in need
10. Pay for someone’s parking
11. Buy flowers to hand out on the street
12. Go Christmas shopping for someone

Why Is It Important to Do Acts of Kindness?

Okay, glad you asked. Kindness promotes empathy and compassion, which, in turn, leads to a sense of interconnectedness with others. It reduces stress, boosts our immune systems; it makes the other person, and you feel good, and it helps to reduce negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression. When we practice random acts of kindness, it releases positive energy.

Meet Marlene McDonald

Acts of Kindness is a selfless act, and it is also the best gift a person can give year-round. Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of experiencing a random act of kindness from a very beautiful friend (inside and out, and yes, I am shouting you out, Marlene McDonald). I complimented her on a beautiful necklace set that she had on at church, and twenty minutes later, she had taken it off of her neck and gifted it to me.

I must say I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at the same time to receive the necklace set. To be honest, I’m not used to people doing kind and generous things like that to me; I’m usually the one trying to bring a smile to someone else’s face. Then I remembered what I asked God a few days ago to show me ‘An Act of Kindness’ through people, and He did just that with Marlene.

Mar is a magnificent Golden Diva, and I’m not just saying that because she gave me her necklace set, I’m saying that because she has a generous heart and a kind soul that cares for people. Her act of kindness and beautiful smile answered my prayer. God showed me the warmth of a kindred spirit who, after giving me the necklace set, came back to me and gave me a second pair of earrings just in case I wanted to switch it up. 

I cried from her generosity and thanked God for allowing me to still have hope for humanity, despite what the world is showing us today! Again, I say ‘Thank You’ Marlene McDonald for being that person with the oversize heart!!

It’s funny how the simplest things in life can bring about the biggest joy to someone.

Ladies, when you have received an act of kindness, remember to pay it forward to bless someone else and to thank God for everything! This may take some practice, but I know you can do it. 

Who are you Blessing today? I challenge you to be more Christlike today!!

Love you, Divas!

  1. DavA Beckham January 4, 2020 at 1:26 AM

    She is a beautiful lady!

    1. theclubfifty January 11, 2020 at 5:35 PM

      OMG! Rev. Dava, I love me some Marlene…pure kindness wreaks from her soul.

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