18 Proven Tools That Will Help You Stay Focused!

The only sure way to get everything done is to do one thing at a time.

Happy Wednesday, Golden Divas!

I know that is easier said than done for so many of us to stay focus; however, with God, we can do any and everything to keep on the right track of attaining our goals. Whatever you are trying to achieve rest, assure Satan is ready to go on the attack to hinder you from reaching your goals.

We are in the second month of the year, and I have spoken to so many of my Golden Divas that they have lost their focus due to the many distractions that are going on in their life. Ladies, again, that’s just Satan, so let’s flip the script. When you have an assignment from God, the red devil is going to use everything in his power to try to defeat you from accomplishing your goals. Never give up, ladies! Don’t quit, don’t give in, you’re an overcomer, stay in the fight to the final round.

Here are a few things to remember about how Satan works to destroy you.

  • His attacks reveal that he believes you’re capable of accomplishing your goal.
  • He always attacks the birth of something significant in your life.
  • He uses those closest to you as a gateway to your heart.

I don’t care what Satan thinks he has in store for you God is already planning your success because He knows you’re going to surpass Satan’s attacks with flying colors. You have to believe it and have faith that you will.

Did you know accomplishing all the things you need and want to do requires forethought and planning, along with a continuous supply of motivation and focus?

Do you ever think how amazing it would be to do everything you set out to do each day, so you could relax and know you’ve accomplished your daily goals?

However, we often face a mountain of work and feel overwhelmed and unproductive. By day’s end, we throw in the towel, feeling defeated by our to-do list.

Golden Divas, let’s take charge of our time and energy and learn what to focus on and what to let go.

Check out these 18 proven tools that will help you stay focused and amp up your productivity so you can kill it every day.

1. Set daily goals
2. First things first
3. Set deadlines and stick to them
4. Keep tasks manageable
5. Train your brain to do deep work
6. Compartmentalize your time
7. Put away your cell phone
8. Monotask
9. Practice mindfulness
10. Know your body clock
11. Work in 90-minute cycles
12. Take mental breaks
13. Set a timer
14. Exercise often
15. Declutter your workspace
16. Use the two-minute rule
17. Give yourself a caffeine boost
18. Switch tasks

Golden Divas We Got This! Let’s Stay Focus, Ladies!!

Golden Divas you can read this article in its entirety at https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/318730