Oh! Mama!

A Mother’s Day Tribute To All of The Golden Divas!

Hello Golden Divas!

This is a “Special Mother’s Day Tribute” to all of you and your wondrous works of “Motherhood!” I would like to start it off by giving the biggest shout out to my “FAVORITE GIRL” my mother, my ”Golden Diva” Everlean Eckols-Seals. The Godly one, the influencer, my biggest supporter and my friend!

Dear Mama,

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for God choosing you to be my mother. You are my moral foundation, my rock, my spiritual sister, my friend and my confidant. I thank God for your wisdom, your kind and nurturing ways and your unconditional love to allow me to spread my wings and grow into the woman that you knew I would become with your fundamental development.

You deserve more than what I can ever give you on this day and any other day because your heart is priceless. Your love is cultivating warm and true, and home has always been “sweet home” with a wonderful mother like you!

Somehow we always say the least to those we love the best and hope our thoughts are understood. Although they’re unexpressed that’s why it means so very much, when days like this are here that I say how very much you’re loved each day throughout the year.

Here’s wishing you a Mother’s Day that’s filled with every pleasure, and a future that’s as happy as the memories you treasure!

Loving you is like food to my soul!

Love Your,



Dear Golden Divas!

To those of you who are grandmother’s, mother’s, aunts, sisters, cousins, nieces, friends, either you birthed a child, nurtured in the rearing of a child, or perhaps mentored a child, whatever your role was in aiding to help raise that child“ Happy Mother’s Day” to you all!

Ladies, enjoy your day. You deserved to be catered to all day and every day with flowers, gifts and, acts of service. 

Once a year, we thank our mothers for all the love and support they give us, however, I know my Golden Divas do a lot more than once a year to show their gratitude towards their mother.

Club Fifty celebrate all mothers because she is the best mother you’ve ever known and there’s nothing like that mother/daughter and mother/son relationship.

Mother’s Day is a time for warm thoughts and fond memories, for expressing
the feelings and words that often go unspoken, for letting those special people
in our lives know that they are loved and appreciated always.

Happy Mother’s Day Golden Divas!

Honoring Mother’s For A Job Well Done!

It shouldn’t take a calendar holiday (the second Sunday in May) to tell us when to celebrate our mothers; however, I’m thankful for Anna Jarvis who created Mother’s Day in 1908 and pushed to make it an official U.S. holiday in 1914. This year Mother’s Day turn 110 years old!

As you may know in the United States, Mother’s Day continues to be celebrated by presenting mothers and other women with gifts and flowers, and greeting cards. It has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending, and for long-distance telephone calls. Moreover, churchgoing is also popular on Mother’s Day, yielding the highest church attendance after Christmas Eve and Easter. Many worshippers celebrate the day with carnations, colored if the mother is living and white if she is dead. Families also celebrate by giving mothers a day off from activities like cooking or other household chores. So as we do in good fashion, we will show up and show out for our mother’s this year. 

Golden Diva’s we know that Mother’s Day is more than just a day for cards, chocolate, breakfast in bed, and reservations at crowded restaurants. Mother’s Day is a celebration that finds solid support in biblical principles and commands. While these Bible verses for Mother’s Day may not have any direct references to “Mother’s Day,” you”ll find plenty of teaching on honoring mothers and wives, revering them, and giving them generous love and recognition for the role they play in our lives.

Ladies, I will like to leave you with a “Mother’s Day verse!

Proverbs 31:25-30

25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,
    and she laughs at the time to come.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed
her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” 30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Love you, Divas!

Please leave a comment about your mother!!



  1. Veronica Edward Brown May 11, 2018 at 10:24 AM

    Dear Sister of mine; THANK YOU so very much for your beautiful MOTHER DAY greeting !!!! Tho my beloved and amazing MOTHER went home to Glory in 1975 ; I still am unable to listen to ” both ” the above songs without tears rolling down my face as I remember ” How GREAT AND LOVING she was and how I ” STILL ”miss her and wish that I wish my Grand-daughter AND Great-Grandson could have known her !!!! THERE WILL NEVER BE ANYONE IN YOUR LIFE BETTER THAN A GREAT MOTHER for her love is unconditional with ” NO CHARGES FOR THE SACRIFICES , TEACHINGS , EXAMPLES SHE SET OR DID NOT SET [ which made you stronger , wiser , kinder , trustworthy , forgiving , love ,etc ] blessing ” YOU ” to become the Great person you are today !!!!

    1. theclubfifty May 16, 2018 at 1:43 PM

      Thank you, Veronica, for taking the time out to read my post. I truly hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day with your family. Although its hard I hope your memories of your mother will sustain you until you see her again.

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