Happy New Year!!



Hello Golden Divas!

I truly hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Now we are gearing up to cross over into another dimension where new beginnings, fresh starts, reaffirmations of love and promises for a brighter future all come to mind as we ring in a “New Year!”

There’s the superficial, yet purposeful, promises we make to ourselves. We resolve to get in shape, lose weight, improve career paths, and the like and we will talk about all of that in another post.

Then, there are the heartfelt promises we make to others, whether aloud or in our minds. We want to care more, express love more, reverse bad feelings in old relationships or seek out new loving relationships. We try our very best to put these desires into words.

Though New Years can be a time of celebration and cheer, there are many people who are facing difficult circumstances. They may be entering this time of year with apprehension or anxiety. If that’s the case for anyone in your circle of friends or family Golden Divas, you can reach out and be an encouragement by wishing them the best for the upcoming year.

If your loved ones are experiencing favorable circumstances, you can wish them continued success. Whether you live nearby or far away, you can send heartfelt wishes for happiness, health, and prosperity to those who mean the most to you at this special time of year. 

Since this is the last post of the year, I found it to be befitting to do the “Club Fifty 2017 Year in Review” with some engaging posts that provoked conversations, informed, encouraged and inspired my readers.

Here are some snippets from some very “HOT TOPICS” that made the list of my “Top Ten Posts of 2017!”

Plus you can catch up on some “Binge Reading” so that you can come into the New Year with me with a full understanding of what “Club Fifty” has to offer to you in 2018.


 10. 9 Things Every Woman in Her 50s Should Do! 

OMG!!  A Change Is Gonna To Come! 

Did anyone experience these annoying things when they turned 50? It’s hot in here…why am I the only one feeling the heat? Gasp…is that a chin hair? What the heck where are all of these gray hairs coming from?

Seriously, are my eyebrows thinning out? Why am I so tired all of the time? Okay, you have to be freaking kidding me is that a wrinkle? And my personal favorite…What’s up with all of this weight gain?

9. Toxic People

 10 Types of Toxic Drainers

This week I would like to talk about a 2 part post: “Toxic People!” I personally try to avoid these people like the plague. Why, because life is too short! If you are not inspiring me during this stage in my life you are probably mentally and physically draining me. Since I’ve turned 50 my patience has grown very short for dealing with individuals who are self-centered, arrogant, and just downright ignorant.

The unfortunate part of that last sentence is that most toxic people are unaware of the negative impact they have on people or they simply just do not care. Whether, it’s their cruelty, the victim syndrome, or just plain craziness all of the time, these toxic people can drive your brain into a stressed-out state that should be avoided at all costs.

8. 4 Ways To Get Fit & Fabulous at Fifty

Do you feel fit and Fabulous at fifty? 

Last year was a big year for me and many of my friends. Social media was blowing up all across the globe as we shared birthday wishes of joy to one another regarding this milestone in our lives. After all, we just celebrated the fabulous big 5-0 but I’m not so sure if all of us can say YES to this week leading question.

If the answer isn’t yes now hopefully it will be in the near future.  The truth of the matter as women we have a sufficient amount of things in our lives that may demand our attention. Things we prioritize as we see that are urgent in nature, such as our relationship with our spouse, children, work, and friends. But what is our relationship like when it comes to us?

7. 13 Must-Have Wardrobe Items for Women at 50+

What’s In Your Closet?

That’s the question for today Golden Divas!

There’s an old saying I can show you, better than I can tell you, where in this case let me tell you. If you love clothes like I do (I bet you do) and you raid your closet you probably have the following as well in it.

Seriously!  Tell me if this sounds familiar.

Clothes that I still say I will lose some weight to get back in, in the near future because I love them so much and I can’t part with them. Clothes that fit just right (if I don’t eat too much I can still wear them with no problem). Clothes that I bought in a larger size just in case I don’t lose the weight.

Am I right? Tales of the 3 wardrobes: clothes of my past, my present, and the unthinkable future if I gain the weight. Uuugghhh!!!   

6. (5) Belly Fat Fighting Foods …Plus a Drink! 

The Cause of that Billowy Bulge 

First, let’s take a look at what causes the belly fat again. As you may know, as we age our hormonal imbalance causes a shift in weight distribution. You guessed it our fat is now easily and readily stored in our belly. 

Unfortunately, this is can become a significant risk factor that may cause heart disease in women over 50 due to the increase blood fat. You see Golden Divas our new bulging belly fat is “metabolically active” meaning it easily releases fatty acids into the bloodstream. Now that scares me a lot because I have picked up some extra baggage in my midsection!

5. I’m Still “HOT” Only Now It Comes In Flashes!

This Girl Is On Fire

“It’s warming up outside and I’m heating up inside. This is a bad concoction of a Hot Flash waiting to happen.”

Now the “Hot Flash Dance” begins to the music of the beautiful and multi-talented Alicia Keys. Every time I hear her song “This Girl Is on Fire” it takes me on a hot flash not so merry go round ride, one that I am dying to get off and never get back on. Unfortunately, when it comes to hot flashes it is my biggest complaint of menopause, because the periods of intense heat, warm skin, and the sweating is simply uncomfortable and unbearable. Basically what I am trying to say is this part of menopause really sucks!

 4. 7 Tips On How To Have Great Sex In Your Fifties!

Let’s Talk About Sex Baby…

Sex in your fifties is an interesting topic of conversation, to say the least; either it’s too taboo to talk about for some or strictly mystical for others, either way there are lot of facts and fiction we need to set straight, because when it comes up most people assume that only the 20-something crowd is enjoying a night of passion or a stable, sexual relationship.

So when did sex come with an expiration date?

3. Marriage and Menopause: Just The 3 of Us!

Can Your Marriage Survive During Menopause?

I sure hope so; however, let’s talk about the other Woman. The woman in your marriage! No, I’m not talking about a mistress. I’m talking about the woman that has been showing up on the regular every time you look into the mirror. This woman has probably reared her pretty little head within your marriage numerous times and confused the heck out of your husband.

Now don’t get me wrong some men may like the different personalities that come with the changes of life; (for instance if you are role-playing another woman to spice things up) that’s another post in this category that we will be talking about later. However, if your man is anything like mines, he like a consistent personality that will not deviate too far to the left with lots of mood swings. (Y’all know it confuses men, they are wonderful simple creatures).

2. 10 Things You Should Embrace Quickly!

From The Desk of Brenda Fay 

Learning to accept where we are at this stage in our lives is imperative living on the other side of 50 because we’re discovering something new every day about ourselves. That is why it is so important to stay happy and healthy (and believe me this is not a Walgreens shout out… it’s our truth) during this period of our lives because as you know our mind and bodies are constantly changing.

So, let’s ‘spill the tea’ on some of the topics we have discussed in the first quarter of Club Fifty.

 1. Men. O. Pause: Monologue

 The Age of Transition 

In June of 1984, I graduated from Percy L. Julian high school and in the fall of that same year to be exact in October a group by the name of Klymaxx released a hit single on their “Meeting in the Ladies Room” album by MCA records called The Men All Pause.”

Fast forward 33 years later “The Men All Pause” anthem has been replaced with the reality of MENOPAUSE with a new attitude that includes signs and symptoms that made me feel like WHOA what is really going on with my body?

There you have it, my top 10 posts of 2017!

Enjoy the read Ladies!

Golden Diva’s I am wishing you a “Happy New Year” with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come!