Simeon Henderson
Happy Wednesday, Golden Divas and Divos!
When God’s hand is at work in your life and an opportunity comes knocking where your passion intersects with your calling, you will discover your purpose. It’s where you will find your calling, and where you will experience the most impact. Some people will leave an inevitable footprint in your life; they will shine a light wherever they go because they are true to their purpose. They know their purpose and what they have to do to attain it in their life. Sure, they will experience other things on the way, different jobs, and stumbling blocks, and obstacles waiting to deter them from their God-given calling. People who inspire and motivate no matter their platform positively impact people’s lives. These individuals believe in their hearts that they have a story or something to offer that will make a significant difference to inspire people. Okay! Let’s keep it real here as I usually do; some people want to shine in the spotlight and make it all about them.
However, my Golden Divo guest is ‘the real deal,’ he has what many others do not; he has some critical traits that he has been blessed with to motivate and inspire you to become better for yourself and the world. This person has immense courage and empathy for others. He has collective power and uses his many platforms to make a difference in this world. He ‘Braved Up’ took the challenge and made a difference in this world by listening to others and encouraging them to level up. As you know, everyone has a backstory, and I, for one, love to tap into my guest’s backstory to see how they became the person that they are today.
So, my next guest like I mentioned before shares his platform as a radio personality, author, motivational speaker, and Life coach to uplift, educate, motivate, and inspire people to simply be the best. Everyone does not have what it takes to inspire and motivate an individual it takes a special kind of person to pull that off; one who is willing no matter what they are going through to put their feelings aside and uplift others is PRICELESS! I enjoyed being a guest on The Simeon Henderson Show for my birthday this past March. It was women’s month, and I was honored to talk with Simeon about the things going on in my life. This was an impactful laid back, fun interview, Simeon has a way of making you feel like you have known him for years and that was my first time ever meeting the guy. Believe it or not, that is a skill set, that he has mastered to bring you into his world while talking about what’s going on in your world. The ease and comfort that he delivers to make the interview flow effortlessly remind me of Oprah, how she will have you talking about things you never thought you would talk about, all the while he is building you up to your greatness! Simeon Henderson, aka Mr. Chicago, has a winning personality that draws you into whatever subject matter he is talking about via his weekly show or his daily motivation nuggets to get you started on your way. This guy is the real deal (yes I’m saying it again….let that marinate) not only around Chicagoland but seemingly everywhere he goes.
Divas and Divos, it’s time to get INSPIRED and MOTIVATED; it’s time to step up your game and make some things happen!
Welcome to Club Fifty Simeon Henderson!
Make it stand out
I’m Simeon Henderson and I’ve been married for 13 years I have three beautiful kids, two boys and one girl two of my kids are on their way to college and the other one is going to be a junior in high school Simeon II, Vianey, and CJ they are my pride and joy’s I love them so much. I also have a talk show, The Simeon Henderson Show, the show gives a voice to the people. You can tune in and hear me encouraging people to simply be their best. You can catch the show on YouTube/Facebook @simeonhenderson. I also am the author of the book, “Through The Eyes Of A Man” on Amazon. I have a motivational album titled “BELIEVE” I’m a life coach and motivational speaker and a proud Phi Beta Sigma.
Simeon Henderson grew up on the West Side of Chicago in a low-income area where he overcame the odds of being labeled LD (Learning Disability). Although Simeon couldn’t read, he was determined to overcome this disability. His mother taught him the verse Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.” As a result, Simeon not only overcame his learning disabilities when he attended Providence St. Mel High School, where his reading teacher Mrs. Brannigan pushed him beyond his limits and taught him that his brain is very powerful. Simeon’s mother moved him out of the inner city to a place he could survive and soar. He graduated from Streamwood High school. Simeon went to Elmhurst college, received his BA in Education, was in the top 4 in his class, and attended Roosevelt University, where he received his Master’s in Educational Leadership. After a short-lived Pro Football career, he became a teacher and Chicago, police officer. As an actor and motivational speaker/Life coach, Simeon has spoken at numerous graduations, workshops, and mentor’s the youth and adults. Simeon stepped out on faith and pursued his passion of being an actor because he loves telling stories and helping people through the art of laughter and entertainment.
Simeon has co-starred and has been featured in national commercials, movies such as Barbershop, Chicago P.D, Empire, toured with Tyler Perry. He is now a published author of his first book, “Through The Eyes Of A Man” Simeon focuses on doing great things for the city he loves because Chicago has shown him so much love and support over the years and especially now. Becoming one of WCIU’S channel 26 on-air personalities for Tonight on the U was one of Simeon’s dream jobs. Simeon hopes to inspire others to live their dreams as he continues to grow and overcome any obstacles in his path on the way to success.
Always Live your Dream, God Bless, Simeon
Today’s inspiration & Motivation
“A Little SomethingTo Chew On Today”
~ It Ain’t Easy~
“Sometimes You Have To Push Past Your Comfort Zone” Stop being ok with just getting it done! It’s time to take what your doing to another level. No more just going through the motions. I’m looking in the mirror! It’s your time to step it up, Let’s Go!”
C50: Simeon, you’re a public figure and a man of many talents, one being the host of a show that connects people in their communities. Talk to Club Fifty about The Simeon Henderson Show.
SH: My name is Simeon Henderson, and I am extremely honored and proud to share some of my moments in my career with Club Fifty. I am the host of the Simeon Henderson show, the TV show, and podcast that gives a voice to the people. I started the show because I felt that everyone had a story that needed to be heard. I felt that to understand people and have success, we must pay attention to what’s going on around us, and we can learn from what other people are doing through their Successes and failures.
The thing I love most about being the host of the Simeon Henderson Show is that I get to tap into people’s thoughts and visions of how and why they do the things they do to walk in their purpose. The Simeon Henderson show was designed to uplift, educate, motivate, and inspire people to simply be the best.
C50: What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in conversations with the guests on your show?
SH: One of the biggest lessons that I have learned from the guest on my show is to really be able to listen to them and engage in their conversation to truly understand who they are and the path they’re on. I believe that listening is a skill, and when you can listen to people and hear what they have to say and grasp who they really are, you can gain a better understanding of who they are and learn how they operate. To be successful in life and go to the next level, you have to learn how to glean from other people in order to grow. The key is not trying to be exactly like someone else but looking at their successes in what they’re doing and see how you can apply that to your life and what you’re doing. We must always remember that there is only one you, no one can be the best you, and you can’t be someone else.
C50: You’re the CEO at Simbolic Entertainment. #Besimbolic. Tell the C50 readers about this corporation?
SH: My company is called Simbolic Entertainment which I am the CEO and founder. Simbolic Entertainment came about when I decided that I wanted to put out my own work. I decided to produce my own show, shoot my own movies, and release some of the books and teach classes. My motto is #Besimbolic which means “simply your Best.” I saw I need to grab the youth, educate them, and motivate them to be successful while growing up in tough neighborhoods and not having different options for success. I grew up on the west side of Chicago, and in my neighborhood, there were gangs, drugs, and violence. I was told that I would probably be in jail, dead, or on drugs by the time I was 18 years old. People were writing me off because of the neighborhood I grew up in, and I was becoming a product of my environment.
But my mother, God rest her soul in heaven Emma K. Wideman had a saying that she told my brothers and me almost every day. My mother said…
“I’m not going to let the streets take my babies.”
My mother also told me not to ever let someone’s opinion of me become my reality, and that just like God said, son, “you are the author and finisher of your fate.” These are just some of the reasons I decided to start my own company built around helping the community and the people in it. So after growing up in a tough neighborhood overcoming illiteracy, and being told what I couldn’t do, I decided to go to college where I played football and basketball and excelled as an all-American record-breaking Hall of Fame football player at Elmhurst University. Not only did I never see myself going to college or graduating college, but I was a senior of the year finalist and then had the nerve to go back and get a master’s degree in education which I did successfully at Roosevelt University. I was so glad that my mother was alive to be at all of my graduations and see that her hard work, faith in God, and love for her children were not in vain. After a brief professional football career, being a teacher and a Chicago police officer, I decided I didn’t want to do that anymore. I decided that I wanted to be a motivational speaker, a life coach, and an actor.
C50: Simeon, you’re best known for your characters Jeremy Brooks (2015) and Partyline (2007); your repertoire of movies and television shows is very extensive. Tell us what made you decide to become an actor, how you chose the characters you portrayed, and one of your defining moments as an actor?
SH: So my acting career started with me taking classes at Second City and doing stage plays, commercials, movies, and television. I’ve done a plethora of TV in films from independent to major motion and major network television shows. I’ve been on shows like Chicago PD, Empire, and Chicago Fire. I starred in movies like Dangerous Obsession, The best Thing, Holiday Heist, Black and Privileged, and many more. One of the most defining moments I was acting in my acting career was when I got to tour with Tyler Perry and his stage play, The marriage counselor. I say this because it happened while my mother was in the hospital fighting for her life. My mother would always tell me that she could see God’s hand in my life and in the work I was doing and that I was doing a job well done, and that I would be successful. She would always say…“One day, you’re going to work with Tyler Perry, one of her favorite writers, directors, and actors.” So because of my manager Jumaane N’Namdi I got the opportunity to tour with Tyler Perry. Still, I didn’t want to go because my mom was in the hospital, so when I told her about the opportunity that I had and that I wasn’t going to take it, she looked at me and said, ” Why son? So with tears in my eyes, I said, mama, I can’t leave while you’re in the hospital fighting for your life.
My mother, who always prayed for everyone else, thought about everyone else, and always worried about others, who never complained, look me in my eyes and said…
“Son, this is one of the opportunities that I pray to God for that you would have one day, so what you’re going to do is get on a plane and go be your best.”
So I looked at my mother, and then I just gave her the biggest hug and kiss and told her I love her, and when I went on tour, I called her every day five times a day, the cast will talk to my mother and sing to her, it was just a God-given experience that I will never forget.
C50: What is the most crucial thing C50 should know about you on camera and off-camera?
SH: Well, I think the most crucial thing that the C50 club should know about Simeon Henderson on camera and off-camera it’s about my love for my family. My family is the reason that I go so hard. My family is the driving force behind everything I do. I want to leave a legacy not only for my children and their children but also for my family’s legacy. I feel that there’s nothing more important than family and that family should always stick together no matter what. No matter what you’ve gone through, good or bad, there’s nothing that you can’t fix with your family.
So when people really want to get to the root of who I am and know how I tick, what I think, what I feel, or what’s important to me, my family is the number one thing that’s important to me. I firmly believe that if you are a family-oriented solid person that you can be a great
friend a great leader, and you can inspire people to do anything they want to do in life.
C50: You’re a husband and a father with a massive list of responsibilities; how do you balance your personal and professional life?
SH: As I mentioned before, one of the most extraordinary things ever happened to me was becoming a father and a family man. Having a family and being a public figure, an actor, an author, and a community activist is not easy. I spend so much time helping others, inspiring them, motivating them to simply be their best, working in the community, and uplifting people that it can take away from my family life. It’s not an easy task at all. I’m just blessed to have a family that supports everything that I do. My children are always proud of me when we’re in public. People come up and ask for an autograph, talk to me because they have seen me in a movie, say thank you for me speaking at their graduation or working with their kids. It’s just an incredible feeling to have my wife and my kids support my career and always pushing me to be my best. Is it challenging? Yes! And sometimes, I get overwhelmed and have to take a step back and regroup and get myself together because there is a lot of pressure when your goal is to see everyone be successful.
C50: Simeon, what excites you about the great city of Chicago and coming out of the pandemic after a long stint of social distancing?
SH: I love Chicago! I get so excited about summertime in Chicago because there’s no place like it. We have a beautiful skyline; we have gorgeous buildings and neighborhoods and the best food on the planet.
As we come out of the pandemic, I am super excited to get out a little more and see the city and go dining at some of my favorite restaurants. Chicago is one of the best places in the world to be. People try to overshadow Chicago’s good because we have violence, but violence happens in every city. Chicago is NOT Chi-Raq. Chicago is the city of big shoulders. And when people look at Chicago and know the history of Chicago, they know that we have a rich history and so many beautiful things that have happened here.
C50: If you can change one thing about your life, what will it be?
SH: Honestly, if I could change one thing about my life, it would be to go back and correct some of the mistakes that I made growing up because had I known better, I would’ve done better, but the thing I hang my hat on is the fact that all of my life lessons have led me to be the man that I am today. It’s normal to want to have gone back and make changes in your life, but the reality of it is this. Your story is your story, and the things you’ve gone through happened for a reason, so what you have to do is be the best you can be right now in this moment and this place. When you can understand that, you can grow and be better from this point on. My favorite quote is…
“No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life.”
C50: What made you want to become a Motivational Speaker?
SH: I wanted to become a motivational speaker because growing up, there were people in my life that motivated me when I felt like I couldn’t be better or do better. Those people were my mom, dad, grandparents, uncles, aunts, my coaches, my eighth-grade teacher Mr. Campbell, and my fourth-grade teacher Miss Farley, who is responsible for helping me learn how to read. I felt that being a motivational speaker was my calling because I know that there are young people and adults out there who felt like me and went through the same things I went through, and who better to help those people than someone that’s been through it themselves. But most importantly, who better to motivate those people than someone that has the heart and love to see people walking into their purpose and becoming successful.
C50: What would you say is the most challenging part of encouraging and inspiring people?
SH: I think the most challenging part of encouraging and inspiring people is the fact that I have to stay encouraged and inspired myself. People have to know and understand that sometimes the motivator needs to be motivated. People have to understand and know that although you motivate people and encourage them to be their best, you still have trials, that you still have ups and downs, that you still go through things as they do, and you need to release and vent sometimes too. It all goes back to my favorite quote “no one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life.” When people understand and know these things, they can appreciate mentors, motivational speakers, and life coaches even more because we’ve made it our life’s work to motivate, inspire, and educate others to walk in their purpose.
C50: Simeon, you’re known for entertaining, motivating, and inspiring people; tell Club Fifty what’s next on the agenda for Mr. Chicago?
SH: Well, I will be putting my talk show on a bigger platform and working on a new feature titled Roman, which I will complete this summer. I also have two books coming out and several projects in the making and the works, and on August 15, I will be doing the second annual BESIMBOLIC Scholarship Golf Outing fundraiser.
“I want to say thank you to Brenda McCain and Club Fifty for the opportunity to have this interview and tell my story. It means the world to me when people take an interest in who I am and what I do. I just inspire to help make a difference in this world.”
Peace & Blessings. Simeon aka “Mr. Chicago.”
There you have it Divas and Divos stay tuned for more of Simeon Henderson in the near future!! A man with a purpose and plan to uplift people, educate people, motivate people, and inspire people to simply be the best.
Make it stand out
The Simeon Henderson Show gives a voice to the people every Thursday at 8 PM! Where conversations run deep, and connections are made with interesting guests and members of our community!