Elder Lisa T. Ballard
Going For Greater!
Hello Golden Divas!
Can you believe we are in December? The year 2018 is quickly coming to an end, and you know 2019 is just the beginning for us to do what we do best, share, connect, encourage, inspire and stay fabulous on the other side of 50! However just before we walk into another year, I want to introduce to some and reacquaint to others my next guest who is a woman after God’s own heart, who motivates us to ‘Go for Greater’ in our lives. I met her in the early, 90s and I instantly admired the resilient woman who was very transparent, with her profound delivery of the word. I often wondered what it was like to walk in her shoes as a woman speaking her truth about God in a dominant calling that most people think is chosen just for men. You see, I must confess I was not accustomed to women conveying God’s word in a powerful message preaching and testifying how God has blessed them in the pulpit. I grew up with men preaching in the pulpit and the women in the background. However, my eyes and ears were open to this woman who was brought to the forefront of ministry who connected with other women so effortlessly (and ya’ll know that is not easy do). Being a preacher’s wife myself, I was fascinated by her spirit and how she was so transparent about her life story. She resonated with my soul and every chance I got I wanted to see and hear her speak to see what God laid on her heart so that she can put it on my heart. The woman who was called by God to be a beautiful vessel so that He can pour into her so that she can pour out into us, the woman who can connect with all women so that when Sistah’s Meet’ and pray they can walk together in God’s undying love and go and get their blessings. This Golden Diva is a powerhouse in the ministry, a trailblazer alongside many prominent preachers and teachers. She has been dubbed the ‘Patti LaBelle’ of the pulpit by many because of her vocal power and emotive delivery of the Word and Yaas sometimes I’m waiting for her to kick off her shoes. She serves it up to you real with her great comedic-timing by sharing God’s word so that we can get it and marinate on it long after the sermon is over. This Golden Diva is undeniably in love with her husband Pastor David Ballard Sr. and this power couple is walking together to continue to build God’s kingdom together, not only on the southside of Chicago but all over the United States!
Elder Lisa T. Ballard is unapologetically holding it down as First Lady at Sunrise Full Gospel Baptist Church in Chicago, IL. She is a devoted wife, (who always reference her husband to the highest whether she is delivering a message in the pulpit or as a guest on our radio show) mother, grandmother and my friend. Ladies join me as I talk with the unconquerable woman who always keeps it real, the Golden Diva who walked right into our hearts (in some pretty shoes) and held us captive Elder Lisa T, Ballard.
Ms. GfG … Going for Greater!
Elder Lisa T. Ballard is a member of the Sunrise Full Gospel Baptist Church of Chicago, IL, where her husband of 39 years, Elder David Ballard, Sr. serves as Senior Pastor. They both heeded the call of God upon their lives which brought them together in love for Jesus, for ministry and each other. Through their passionate oratory, biblical teaching, and their unwavering faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this dynamic duo has turned Sunrise Baptist church into a pillar of Chicago’s Englewood community.
Elder Lisa is a mentor, motivator, and an inspiration to many. As Co-Founder and leader of the Sistah-2-Sistah Ministry of Sunrise, she displays her heart for mentoring by using her wisdom, and her personal testimony as minister, wife, mother and grandmother as a living example of the Proverbs 31 woman. As she serves in numerous capacities within the walls of Sunrise she also takes to heart Jesus’ command to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Her preaching is filled with humor, transparency, and humility captivating audiences across the barriers of denomination, race, and age making her in high demand not only in the Chicagoland area but in conferences, seminars, and worship services across the United States.
Elder Lisa considers her greatest achievements is raising a family that ministers. She loves being the mother to one son, and three daughters, the mother-in-love to two, and the very proud grandmother of three grandsons and seven granddaughters.
“If anyone should ever write my life story, let it be known that Jesus is the BEST thing that ever happened to me!”
C50: As the First Lady of Sunrise Full Gospel Baptist Church, how do you balance married life, being a wife, mother, grandmother, preaching, teaching and administering life challenges?
LB: I am a wife to one man, a mother of four, a ‘YaYa’ (Greek for grandmother) of 10 and balance is super important. How? Matthew 6:33, God First, husband next and God always gives me the ability to get things done. I must acknowledge him FIRST and he gives me direction. When to go, when to stay, when to talk and when to shut up. Balance is the key!
C50: When did you first know that you had a calling higher than yourself to go out and preach the word of God?
LB: Let me just say that I have been preaching to my baby dolls since I was a little girl. My outside engagements began in the early ’90s. I was officially ordained in December 2000 (The first Pastor’s wife of Sunrise to be ordained, Elder.)
C50: How do you go about delivering your sermons so that it’s fresh and relevant?
LB: I try to stay in tune. Reading the word of God and watching and listening. It’s funny how God gives me a word; sometimes in the most unusual places.
C50: When did you realize that your sermons were so relatable to not just women but men as well?
LB: Who said that I realized it yet? (BIG LAUGH) I know I have a call on my life, but after I minister, I always think ‘did they get it” ‘Lord, did I say it the right way or the right thing?” That’s one of the reasons that I fall on my knees as soon as I get through ministering because I need to atone to God.
C50: Talk to us about ‘When Sistahs Meet’ and the importance when they come together to make things happen?
LB: When Sistahs Meet it was designed to bring women together to pray, to build up each other, and to reestablish connections with women. It’s a spin-off of the women’s ministry of Sunrise that was birth in 1999, Sistah-2-Sistah! We are the most in number in church, yet some of us have the hardest time connecting. When Sistahs Meet it is a gathering of the sisters to help us connect physically, spiritually, financially, and educationally.
C50: Is it easy or hard when you share the pulpit to build a harmonious relationship with your husband and the ministry?
LB: My Husband and I are working together so very well, even when we are not happy with each other (and yeah, that happens), we do ministry well together. We have been gifted to pour into young ministers and minister’s wives. To validate that point, we have two son-n-love that Pastor.
C50: What are some of the challenges that a couple may face when they are trying to do Kingdom building together within the church?
LB: The challenges we face is neglecting each other for ministry, so we got to make time for David and Lisa and let Pastor Ballard and Elder Lisa sit down. Outside influences have a way to try to bring separation among us but thank God, one of us recognizes that we need to pull together. Working in ministry to help people be better and stronger is a JOB!
C50: As a couple that ministers together did you have to make any sacrifices within your marriage to avoid having a strain within your marriage?
LB: Sacrifices YES, YES! We had to learn to keep things in perspective. I gotta tell you, ministry is hard on marriages. Our marriage was not based on ministry our ministry was birth through our marriage, so we just got to nurture our marriage to keep the ministry strong?
C50: What healthy boundaries did you use to protect your spouse and children from the emotional stressors of ministry?
LB: Healthy boundaries (I wish I had done more) My husband is the Pastor and my children were children of the Pastor. Children first not the Pastor’s children first! I tried to keep folk from labeling them (you shouldn’t act like that, you are the Pastor’s kid) and we tried to bring them up ministering with us so that wouldn’t grow up hating ministry. (Did that make sense?) Absolutely, Lisa, it made sense!
C50: How often does this power couple exercise time for relaxation, rejuvenation and getting back to the basics of one on one time with each other?
LB: WEEKLY!! And I can’t tell you our secrets, but trust and believe we get it in! (Don’t we look like it?) Yes, you do. Lol!
Bonus Question
C50: What is the one thing that you want my loyal readers to know about women in the pulpit and marriage?
LB: The reason that I didn’t want to accept my calling was that I thought that it would cost me my marriage. But God, SO SO AWESOME HE IS!! Fixed me! Don’t put your ministry over your marriage. Respect him as the head. I consult my husband, my covering about engagements and I respect his decision. If you do it the right way, you will never be called to choose between the two
There you have it, ladies, my last ‘Golden Diva’ interview for the year of 2018 with my girl Elder Lisa T. Ballard a woman of true wisdom and a woman truly after God’s own heart ‘Going for Greater!’