Camille Garrett
Here To Help Life Go Right!
Happy Wednesday, Golden Divas!
This is the first Golden Diva Interview for the year 2022!! Now, you ladies know how much I love to highlight my beautiful sisters and all of the work they pour out into our communities. For five years since Club Fifty started, I have been honored to share with you the dedication, tenacity, passion, and love that these women and some men have for the perspective paths that they have taken in life. Today a spotlight will shine on a woman who took the bull by the horns and made a difference in her life and is helping you to live your best life. So, it is time for our Golden Diva Interview, and my guest, today at C50, is someone that I genuinely admire. We walked the halls at the same high school (shout out to Percy L. Julian); of course, when you see someone from your old alma mater, you want to share their success and continue to wish them well on all of their endeavors. So, this is a perfect time to celebrate this ‘Beautiful Queen’ for ‘Black History Month!’
But before I delve into our exclusive interview, I have a question for you, how assured are you with your insurance? I ask this because most people don’t have insurance, especially life insurance and home insurance. Or if they do, they are not satisfied with the insurance they have; well, my guest here at Club Fifty is on a mission to provide you with the best insurance to meet all of your needs. State Farm Insurance has been around for a century. It is a household name in the insurance industry, insuring more cars and homes than any other insurer in the U.S. Founded in 1922, State Farm is the second most popular insurance provider in the United States. State Farm now offers about 100 products and services in five different lines of business, including home, life, and health insurance. On top of that, the Illinois-based insurance company provides other financial products, such as loans, estate planning, and investment accounts. This year in June State Farm will celebrate 100 years of bringing you the best possible coverage for whatever your heart desire and this Golden Diva has her own insurance agency, where the ‘Pretty Lady in Red‘ is a part of the best, giving you the best. Now, let that marinate; she has her own insurance agency! While undeniably barriers could have hindered her, in this male-dominated line of work, which is very competitive, she saw an opportunity to soar, and she did just that, breaking the glass ceiling to fly high. So, without any further ado, let me introduce to you the ‘The Real Deal Insurance Diva’ that is taking the insurance world by storm, the lovely Camille Garrett owner of Camille Garrett Insurance Agency Inc!!
Camille Garrett is a 54-year-old Aries. She was with her Ex-Husband for almost 32 years; she was married for 25 and is now divorced for over three but in a committed relationship. She loves to do crafts, watch military movies, gift-giving, and is a true Housewives fan. If she could do something that makes her smile, she would be an event planner for Senior Citizens or a financial literacy instructor to children.
The loves of Camille’s life include her “Baby doll,” her daughter, Cydne who is 26 years old and holds an M.B.A. in Marketing. She is also the mother of her beautiful grandson, her “Baby love,” Coby, who is 3, and her “Sonshine.” Her son, Cedric, is an HBCU graduate of Clark Atlanta University with a B.S. in Computer Science.
Loving, named after her aunts, Camille Elaine Garrett, was born and raised on the Southside of Chicago. Her education began at John Whistler Elementary School, where she began a lifelong career in service. She was recognized as the student most likely to succeed, was the Salutatorian, and was the Class Vice President. With leadership in her blood, Camille attended Percy L. Julian High School. She enjoyed many activities that included performing with the band as a Flaggirl, National Honor Society, Principal Scholars, Editor N Chief of the High School yearbook also Senior Class Vice President. With Academic Scholarships to North Central College, she spent her first year there but desired a broader college experience, so she joined the United States Army Reserve. Upon returning from Basic Training and Army Initial Training, she landed at Eastern Illinois University; Camille served as Vice President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc Theta Zeta Chapter and president of the National Panhellenic Council. She left with a degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.
Many careers and adventures in between, Camille is an owner of Camille Garrett Ins. Agency, Inc and a member of various service organizations that include NAACP, Toastmasters International, Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated, Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc, I.C.O., Inc, and Sisterhood for Life. She serves on the National Board with the Agents Training Seminar, which serves the African American Agents of State Farm. She also has been the recipient of various honors such as Chicago Defender Woman of Excellence 2013, Georgia Doty Veteran Business Owner, and The Crown Jewel award with Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc WCBD Chapter, to name a few. Camille has much more to accomplish with a heart to serve and an idea that anyone can change the world as she states:
“God isn’t finished with me yet!”
Welcome to the Golden Divas’ Circle of Sisterhood at Club Fifty Camille!
C50: Camille, what made you decide to become a State Farm Insurance Agent?
CG: I started my State Farm Career in 1994 as an Auto Claim Representative and knew that I would hit the “glass ceiling” in the Claims Department. At that time, the company had an agency program called Agency 2000 which I recognized as my opportunity to shatter that glass ceiling. The idea of being an entrepreneur with the #1 Insurer in the country was very inviting to me!
C50: You have owned your State Farm Agency for 21 years, so just like the previous slogan, “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” tell C50 about your success as an owner of your agency at State Farm and how you made a difference within the community.
CG: Success is measured in various ways by various people. As I reflect over those 21 years, I have always understood for me to be “successful,” which would be measured by my peace of mind, joy, and making a difference along with my financial and creative independence. Educating others to make decisions to advance their lives is a success to me. That, to me, is a Good Neighbor.
C50: While serving in the army as an instructor and training hundreds of troops in Human Resources, how has it prepared you for the future of owning your own business?
CG: I truly believe that there are many traits innate in every individual, and leadership is one of those traits that I have. There is a joy in having the opportunity to partner leadership with learning and impart that in your troops or insurance clients. God has allowed me to use the spiritual gifts he gave me in my military and insurance career. I continued to use what was already given to me. I developed more of what taught me to be disciplined over entrepreneurialism, such as financial planning and literacy, customer and community relations, and business and civic acumen.
C50: Camille, you must be a trusted individual to help many families manage their personal lives and businesses. Your task is to guide them to make the right decisions when unexpected life endeavors happen. What is your strategy to get customers to feel that you can meet all of their insurance needs?
CG: What a wonderful question! In life, you have to accept that you cannot please all of the people, but I have found success with the following; (1) Humility and honesty in handling others’ feelings and providing sound professional advice. (2) Listening and having the necessary knowledge to direct clients to make the financial decisions they can be at peace with. (3) Showing love and empathy toward them as insurance is a very important component of an individual’s overall well-being. They must feel that you care and trust your advice.
C50: What sets your agency apart from the numerous State Farm agencies?
CG: I don’t know how much different we are from the multitude of State Farm Agencies, but I can say we are a part of our community, here to support our community for the betterment of our community. It has always been important for us to let our customers know we appreciate them and are available and knowledgeable. We participate in a multitude of community events, and we also create our own to promote awareness and education. Our team works as a team for the betterment of the agency.
C50: At one point, the owner of an agency at State Farm was a predominated male position. How have the barriers changed within your 20 plus years?
CG: Unfortunately, we as women are still the minority, although opportunities are available. Partly, it is because women do not see this as a viable career choice, and also, more men are considered for and invited into the opportunity. Anyone considering the opportunity must have a clear understanding of the commitment, expectations, and workload. It is a sales position driven by commission-based compensation.
C50: The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority was built upon public service, sisterhood, and assisting those in need; talk to us about how you instilled those principles within your business.
CG: I was born a SERVANT, and membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has allowed me to function in leadership roles directly connected with the service to mankind. It is the ultimate purpose of our existence to work in the Kingdom of God and to help his people. Just like the sisterhood of Delta allows us to work collectively, so does the role of a State Farm agent, where we come together on projects and programs to build our community. It has been said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!” Just like my beloved Delta, we understand the power of togetherness.
C50: Has there ever been a time in your two decades that you felt you were not giving back as much as you wanted to with your business?
CG: Absolutely! I have felt that I can do more; I should do more. I also realize now 21 years in that I must have balance and stay healthy for me to be successful. I have the personality type to go hard and long, putting myself last, but now I understand my success is just that, mine, and when I need to pull back, I will not feel guilty. Life happens, and priorities shift. The key is to prepare for the storms of life so that your business can weather them. Having a proficient, trustworthy team helps tremendously! You have to be smart and know your strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly, be honest with yourself.
C50: As a Black Woman, agent, and owner of your own business, what is the (1) thing you can tell another woman who wants to open up an insurance business?
CG: TRUST YOUR SELF –Make sure it is your dream and not society, family, or pressure put on you. Be prepared to put in the work. Disappointments are part of your journey. Use them as learning opportunities. God is very intentional about the gifts he has placed in each of us, and it is easy to get caught up trying to live someone else’s dream or expectations of you. Tap into what makes your heart skip a beat, what makes you warm and fuzzy inside. This is a very competitive industry, and you will need to find your way. Save your money for startup costs and find individuals in the business to be open and honest with you about the highs and lows of selecting this as a career choice. You will be surprised how you can take those gifts and passions and impact so many!
Bonus Question
Make it stand out
C50: Camille, how can someone get in contact with you if they are looking for an excellent insurance agency?
CG: Please stop in for a hot cup of coffee and a smile…………
72 E 95th Street, Chicago, IL 60619
Call 773-264-8300
There you have it Golden Divas, Camille Garrett owner of Camille Garrett Insurance agency. Beautiful, smart, and kind. She is a triple threat in the insurance world and like a good neighbor, she is here to help life go right!!!
Golden Divas check out this beauty!!!