Bernadine Baldwin

Style & Beauty

This month’s “Golden Diva” interview is with the stylish Bernadine Baldwin. She will be 57 years old this October and she is simply fabulous! I have known Bern for 20 years now and I have admired the growth within her over the years. She is a single mother (with a very handsome son mind you) name, Murrell. Bern is that stylish diva with a heart of gold that you would love to get into her wardrobe closet. This woman will literally give you the world if she could, but mostly what I love about Ms. Baldwin is her faithfulness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In conversation with Bernadine Baldwin on Style & Beauty

C50: You and I came to know each other from a mutual friend (Rita Blake) when you and my brother use to model together. Who would have ever thought that we would have formed a lasting friendship for 2 decades now?

BB: Yes…funny how things happen. You’ve become a baby sister to me over the years. We share a lot of history together as friends and sisters in Christ. We have a lot in common, from church, friends, and fashion.

C50: Yes we do, starting with fashion. I love stylish clothes; especially yours, but do any of this have to change when you turn a certain age?

BB: Yes and No! I wouldn’t want to dress the way that I did when I was in my 20’s or my 30’s, even if I can still wear some of the clothes. It’s behind me now. Just because you can fit it doesn’t mean you should wear it. I do suggest that a woman in her fifties should dress age-appropriately. There are plenty of fashionable clothes out there for our age group. I would like to stress that all women should wear clothes that will complement their figure and find your signature style.

C50: I totally agree with you on that one. I believe every woman should have a signature style to what makes them feel pretty and a theme song. I’m just saying…

BB: We should have it together by now, we have evolved. So there’s no way I will still be rocking what I wore 20 years ago.

C50: Bernadine as a seasoned woman in your fifties what makes you feel empowered and beautiful?

BB: I feel empowered when I dress up. I love fashion and everything that comes with it, for instance, I love clothes that make a statement, clothes that will start a conversation even before I open my mouth. Clothes that are unique and clothes that are fitted well on my body. That is my “Beautiful” it makes me feel, grown, sexy, and pretty.

C50: How are you mastering living the golden life in your 50’s?

BB: Hummm.mmm. God has blessed me to still be here and I am very grateful. I’m living my life like its golden. Sure things have changed in my life since I turned 50 but I learned how to adapt to all of the changes. Heck, what other choice do you have? I can say this pay attention to the changes in your body because your body just like clothes can say a whole lot about you.

C50: Good point! Staying healthy in your fifties is a must. Bern, I have a couple more questions.

BB: Okay. Shoot!

C50: What are some of the daily rituals that you have adapted in your fifties?

BB: Oh wow…let me see. Drink plenty of water, get some exercises in, even if it’s just walking, keep your body moving, love yourself daily, and don’t eat a lot of sweets because baby…they will ignite those hot flashes.

C50: So that’s where the flawless complexion comes from, drinking a lot of water.

BB: Yes, water does the skin and body good. I barely wear makeup now, only on special occasions.

And there you have it my first interview for Golden Divas with the stylish Bernadine Baldwin.  Thank you for sharing how you mastered “Style & Beauty” with Club 50.

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Donna Montgomery