Robin Garrett Moore
Living My Life Like It’s Golden
Hello Golden Divas!
I had the pleasure of meeting this statuesque Golden Diva Beauty with the pretty hair (she knows that I love her hair…lol) about four years ago at my church New Faith Baptist Church International. Her contagious smile and infectious personality made me take notice of the illuminating light that radiated so bright whenever she entered a room. This young lady is as genuine as they get, no pretense when you see her and talk to her, just authentic beauty and wisdom coming at you with an unadulterated heart. I want to introduce to you the woman with a positive attitude that always yields a positive approach, Robin Garrett Moore. She is a woman that is excited about living on the other side of 50 and embraces a new beginning in her new decade. Robin is ‘Living Her Life Like it’s Golden’ and is walking upright in it unapologetically! It’s time to shine the spotlight on this ‘Beauty’ so read on as she speaks her truth in this Golden Interview on “What to Expect in Your Fifties!”
Robin graduated from Northwestern University where she attended on a full basketball scholarship; she has an MA from Michigan State University. She is a pharmaceutical sales representative, and she previously coached women’s basketball at the collegiate level for ten years. She is divorced and a mother of two amazing student-athletes; her son is an honor roll senior, basketball player, on his way to college as a computer science major. Robin’s daughter is a high honor roll junior, volleyball player, and will play volleyball on a full scholarship and will be majoring in pre-med. The lovely Ms. Moore has been a member of New Faith Baptist Church International for 12 years, and she loves to travel to relax and soak up some sun which is a major part of her golden life!
C50: What can you expect in this decade?
RGM: I am excited about the next decade of my life! I spent the past decade growing and learning in many areas of my life, and I really love and like me. God revealed so much to me about myself. I have matured, pruned, and purged during the past decade so I am really looking forward to the results that will come forth. I expect greatness in this decade, and I am open to whatever and whomever (smile) God has for me!
C50: Do you see the fifties as a time for a new beginning in your life?
RGM: YES, I DO! This is when your real life begins. Some are fortunate enough to retire at this time or see retirement in the near future. We experience a new beginning at 50 built on all of the things we’ve experienced over the past 50 years. We’ve reached a new level of maturity and acceptance of ourselves. I feel so free to be me! I am unapologetically for me! I am living my life like it’s golden! I have a level of peace that I have never experienced before.
C50: Do you believe it is vital to stay mentally and physically active in your 50s?
RGM: Absolutely! The saying is so true, use it or lose it! I am a nerd, so plain curiosity takes over at times (lol!) I like to read, watch the news, CNN and surf the internet to stay informed of current events and topics of everyday life. I love smart and intelligent people who have a depth of their conversation and are mentally stimulating. There are so many ways to keep your mind going and to continue to delve deep and develop your thought process. At this age, staying physically active is more important to your health than being skinny. Of course, we all want to look good and physically love the person we see in the mirror. We have a chance to do both by staying physically active. Walking, running, swimming, lifting weights, line dancing is just a few of the ways we can stay active and keep those aging aches and pains away.
C50: Since our bodies eventually start showing signs of aging as muscle function, healing ability and blood flow start slowing down, what are some exercises that you do (if any) to keep the blood flowing and the joints mobile?
RGM: I walk on a 3.6-mile trail daily. On the days I feel ambitious, I may jog (smile!) Walking and running give you a full-body workout. Occasionally I do boot camp classes, and now that the weather has changed, I have an at-home program designed by a personal trainer that combines cardio and weight training.
C50: Has menopause come knocking at your door yet? And if so what are your biggest challenges?
RGM: I have not experienced menopause… I’m not claiming “yet” – lol!
C50: How can a woman living on the other side of 50 try to stay positive about the many changes she is facing in life?
RGM: A positive attitude yields a positive approach. The better we are prepared for change makes our transition in that area a bit easier. There’s also a level of acceptance that change will occur that helps as well. The saying that the only thing constant in life is change is so true. Dealing with life’s changes with a positive attitude and the determination to find solutions to those changes are key. There are some changes that happen that aren’t so positive and easy to deal with. I believe the first thing we must do is be honest and acknowledge the feelings we are experiencing in those instances. You can’t address an issue you if don’t admit that it exists. It is ok to not be ok. When changes occur that are difficult to handle, I seek help in talking things over with friends, spiritual counseling, and sometimes professional counseling.
C50: Do you believe dating in your 50s is any different from dating in your 30s?
RGM: Dating at 50 is definitely different than in my 30s… actually, I’ll say my mid to late 20s because I was married at 30. In your 50s, you are more comfortable in who you are and what you want in a mate, so you are less likely or unwilling to settle. Time is also a factor. Depending on the age and activities of your children, career obligations, spiritual commitments, etc., you may not have much time to date.
C50: Do you feel sexier, vibrant, smarter, and liberated in this stage of your life?
“I am not in competition with anyone; there’s more than enough light for all of us to shine.”
RGM: Yes, yes, yes, and yes! I feel I have discovered my best self. God has me in such an awesome place in my life right now! I appreciate my past as it has brought me to this place. I am not perfect, and I am no longer chasing perfection. I am not in competition with anyone; there’s more than enough light for all of us to shine. I compete to be better than I was yesterday. I am beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.
C50: How does this Golden Diva ‘Unleash the Power’ of a strong, confident, successful woman?
RGM: Your attitude about yourself is the attitude you project to others. Yes, I am strong, confident, and successful, however, the power I unleash is in love, passion, and giving. Sure, it’s great to walk in a room and command attention and respect without speaking a word, but my greatest joy is in being a blessing to others. I love and give without hesitation and fear; that’s my greatest exhibition of strength and confidence.
C50: Have you noticed any changes in the following: your hair, skin, eyesight, hearing, or sleep pattern?
RGM: So far, nothing in these areas has changed… again, not claiming “yet” – lol!
C50: If there is (1) thing that you can share with the Golden Divas about embracing this new chapter in your life what will it be?
RGM: When I was 19 my Grams (grandmother) told me that we don’t live long enough to be unhappy. My life was fantastic, and I was happy, so I really didn’t understand what she meant. Well, when real life began to happen, I finally understood the message and wisdom my grandmother had given me. You are in control of your happiness… embrace it, own it. Live your life, don’t just exist in it. You are a Golden Diva who deserves to live life like it’s golden because it is!
C50: There you have it ladies Club Fifty Golden Diva Robin Garrett Moore has spoken!
She is walking victoriously by taking back her freedom as an unapologetic strong, liberated, sexy Golden Diva and is living her life like it is GOLDEN!!!
Check out those chic laced up gym shoes that she is rocking! Now that is a confident Diva with purpose and fashionista style! Love it!!!