Juanita Nave


Following Your Passion for Singing and Dating in Your 50s!!

“Make a Joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.”

Psalms 100:1-2

Hello Golden Divas!

As I mentioned in another Golden Diva Interview, everyone has been blessed with talent from God. It is up to you to tap into your talent and use it wisely. My next guest to the club has been doing just that with her talent of singing by giving us pure delight in harmony and notes while striking a chord of a joyful sound to our ears.

I would like to introduce you to one of my friends that I like to affectionately call “The Lady Songbird!” I have known her since elementary school and as far back as I can remember this Golden Diva has been singing throughout grade school, high school, college, and church and God have blessed her with some extraordinary vocal chords to continue singing for our enjoyment throughout her adult life. 

Juanita Nave

Singing, Teaching, and Dating

Juanita “Nita” Nave will soon be 52 this year to be exact on April 7th she is a single Mother and has one son name Owen, and she’s a math teacher for CPS. Juanita has been on the Chicago music scene for the last seven years, but that’s not where she started. Nita studied classical voice on a music scholarship at Alabama A & M University and had performed for the likes of Politician Shirley Chisolm, other dignitaries and graced the stage with the group Foreigner.

Nita has also done musical theatre including The Wiz, Pippin, and Purlie. Nita was a semi-finalist for the Windy City Live Mazda Search for a Star Competition and is just finding her stride with her Jazz Neo-Soul vocals compared to the greats like Phyllis Hyman, Jill Scott, Anita Baker and Sade just to name a few!  


C50: How long have you been singing?

JN: I have been singing since grammar school. I have been blessed to have people see a spark of talent in myself at a young age and nurtured and encouraged me to go further. I was able to be a member of the All City Chorus in High School and go to college on a music scholarship.

C50: What is your genre of singing?

JN: My preferred genre is Rhythm & Blues, but I also sing Jazz and Gospel. I love the 80s pop as well although I don’t have many opportunities to sing it. 

C50: What motivates you as a lead vocalist to continue to sing with your band after a hard day of work as a CPS teacher?

JN: The love of music motivates me to sing outside of my job as a CPS teacher. Music is a healer as well. I don’t know how I could keep going without my music. It keeps me balanced. The world of education these days can drive you crazy. I feel for those educators that do not have an outlet.

C50: What singing celebrities inspire you as a singer to follow your passion? 

JN: Some of my icons that inspire me would be Sade, Anita Baker and also Yolanda Adams, who was also a teacher before she became a gospel superstar! 

C50: Where can we hear the great sounds of Juanita Nave around Chi-Town?

JN: I can be found all over. Currently, I will be at Flavor restaurant on April 21st. I will be celebrating my birthday. Also, if you’d like to follow me, you can friend me on Facebook: Juanita Nave or Instagram: NitaNave

C50: What challenges have you faced when it comes to dating in your fifties?

JN: The challenges I have faced dating after 50 have been that men my age and color either want multiple partners or women of other nationalities. Also, most have been married before and feel like commitment is now a bad thing.

C50: Has your checklist of dating changed from when you were in your 20’s to now in your 50s?

JN: My checklist has definitely changed. When I was in my 20s, the first thing was looks and of course that indescribable connection that allowed me to get close to the person. Now, the first thing I am looking at is this person health-oriented, physically, mentally and spiritually. Also are they responsible and stable enough to be a partner?

C50: Are you dating for companionship or love?

JN: I am dating for both. I realize that the older you get, the more baggage one has which makes it harder to develop love but companionship is a good place to start. You have to enjoy someone’s company to grow in love with them.

C50: Do you feel that love after 50 is possible?

JN: I feel that love is possible at ANY age. I think people get tired of waiting and being disappointed. I’ve been disappointed, but I still believe. I tell everyone all I need is ONE good one. He may be in another race because our black men are very comfortable with going outside of our race to find a mate so I am more open to moving around even though I love our black men but the feeling must be mutual. I have given up on one-sided relationships in all aspects of my life.

C50: What are three mistakes that you think women are prone to when dating after 50?

JN: One of the biggest mistakes women over 50 make is settling for less than what they want and need. There will always be negotiables in any relationship but there are some non-negotiables and when we settle we are setting ourselves up for heartache. We may feel we are getting what we want but afterward realize we are not loving ourselves. If you don’t feel good about that person when they are not with you, it is probably not a good match.

The second mistake would be trying to be what you think a man wants you to be. This results in loss of self and women often wake up years later wondering where they went because now they have fit themselves into an ill-shaped mold that is simply not who they are.

The last mistake is women try to present themselves as this young hip person in clothes, makeup and even mannerisms that are not authentic to who they are. We can continue to be attractive, current and age-appropriate. We have to be comfortable with who we are and not try to stay at the age where we felt most attractive. There are some fine banging MILFs out there so we can be great at whatever age!

Bonus Question

C50: What is the one thing that you love about sharing your God-given talent with the world?

JN: I used to be very hard on myself when I compared myself to other artists but when I realized that I was unique and that only I could do what I do I understand that I have something to share and if I only touch one person I’ve done my job!

C50: There you have it Golden Divas my Golden Diva Interview with the lovely Juanita Nave on her passion for singing and dating her fifties! By the way young lady “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and thank you for the gift that you have given us by allowing us to hear that beautiful voice of yours!

Golden Divas if you are looking for a good cause to help Juanita celebrate her birthday she has a Birthday Fundraiser for American Diabetes Association, check it out on her Facebook page under Juanita Nave!