Jasmine Howard


MOM Voyage!

Happy 4th of July Golden Divas!

Today is a “SPECIAL EDITION” of my monthly ‘Golden Diva Interview’ as you beautiful ladies know I always love to highlight my 50 plus divas to tell the world how we are holding it down on the other side of 50. However, today is like none other I get to celebrate Independence Day with an independent young lady in a very EXPLOSIVE interview on motherhood, life, and blogging to help kick off the holiday.

How special is that?

She is NOT a ‘Golden Diva’ yet, a matter of fact she has 27 more years to experience life before she reaches this milestone. However, this ‘Generation Z’ (yes you read that correctly) is worth an ‘Honorable Mention’ in Club Fifty, and she can hold her own at a very tender age of 23. Chapter 23 as she likes to call it!

I have the pleasure of knowing this rare beauty for many years; I watched her grow from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly into a beautiful mother. She has been an inspiration to me as she is a trailblazer in her own right and she is very influential and impactful to her peers and my generation…’Generation X’ and many ‘Baby Boomers.’ Jasmine is a breath of fresh air and you know Golden Divas we can learn a thing or two from these ‘ Post-millennials.’

You see they live in a virtualized world where enhancement, entertainment, and expression dominate and ‘YES’ divas the smartphone is the social hub of Gen Z, the epicenter of everything. It creates a universe, a virtualized space where they engage, making them smarter, more effective and more connected. And that is why I love her so because she is finding her way, using all of that digital resources and is making a difference in her life and others through her amazing blog ‘MOM Voyage!’


I will like to introduce to you a woman who is the epitome of strength, courage, beauty (inside and out) and someone that I am proud to call my friend, my play daughter, my girl and my fellow blogger Jasmine.


Jasmine Howard is a 23-year-old beginner blogger who’s still trying to find her way. She has a three-year-old son who is the light of her life name Cameron. He is the sweetest funniest, most energetic boy she knows and they reside on the south side of Chicago.

Jasmine started MOM Voyage in January 2017, and since then she has been trying to make it better every day. MOM Voyage is a parenting/lifestyle blog that offers readers to follow her on her journey as she finds herself by sharing her relatable experiences with others out there just like her.

She wants her blog to be a safe spot, a community where people feel safe to be themselves and share their stories. Somewhere where they know they aren’t alone. Jasmine wants her experiences to be able to help others. She is currently making a plan for her life that best fits her son and herself, and together they are making it work day by day!0

In Conversation with Jasmine Howard

C50: Tell us why did you decide to start a blog for young mothers and why the name MOM Voyage?

JH: I decided to start this blog as a way to share my real-life experiences and situations to connect with other mothers like myself. Not even just mothers, other people in general who feel the way I think about specific topics or situations that may arise. This is a new journey for me, and all new experiences. I want people to know that regardless of what you are going through in life, you’re never alone. So the name ‘MOM Voyage’ became very befitting because it goes with the theme of topics that I will be talking about on my blog.

C50: What is some practical advice, inspiration, ideas or humor to help other Moms get through a tough day?

JH: If you’re a mother and you’re having a rough day, just look at your child (ren). Remember why you do what you do, and the reason you keep going every day. If you don’t have kids, remind yourself tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start. If it’s not making you money, bringing you happiness or success then don’t waste your time feeling stressed by it.

C50: Why do you feel it is important to have a “Mommie” network for first-time moms and what new projects are you working on?

JH: Being a new mother can be extremely scary. You never really know what to expect, and everyone’s experience is different. It’s comforting to be able to have a network where you can get great advice or stories from different people and different viewpoints. I’m currently working on creating somewhat of a branch off from Mom Voyage. Something that is a little more lifestyle-related but still connects with the theme of my blog.

C50: Recently you had a life-changing diagnosis involving your three-year-old son’s health, talk to us about his prognosis

JH: Back in April my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Literally, from the second we found out everything changed. He can’t have his favorite snacks anymore he now has to get his blood sugar checked 4-6 times a day and has to receive insulin shots as well. It’s very tiring sometimes because our day now starts much earlier than usual. On the bright side, it has brought some order into our lives. Things are a bit more scheduled to benefit his shots, and it forces us to lead a much healthier lifestyle. I also feel like I gained a closer connection with my son.

C50: As a fellow blogger we have favorite topics that we enjoy writing about, tell me what was one of your favorite topics that generated a “Mommy Buzz” on your blog?

JH: My favorite topic that I blogged about was, “What determines if a single mother or parent is actually a single parent?” So many people have very different opinions on this topic, and no one’s opinion is wrong. This topic always starts a good debate and it gets people talking because it’s something that so many people, including myself, feel so strongly about.

C50: Jasmine my gorgeous Pre-Golden Diva Mom” are you dating anyone at the present time? 

JH: I guess the answer to this would be yes. It’s nothing serious right now, but there is someone that I’ve recently been hanging out with and getting to know.

C50: They say that Moms are one of the Internet’s most desirable groups. How do you attract and engage young Moms online?

JH: I’ve honestly been having some trouble bringing in the younger crowd, or those close to my age. It frustrates me because I know a lot of people who are young mothers, or young single parents, but the blog doesn’t get much of a response from that group. A lot of my support and comes from the older age group or veteran parents.

C50: As a single mother of a toddler what is the most challenging thing you have to deal with on a daily basis?

JH: The hardest thing I deal with daily is engaging with my son, which I recently wrote a post about. I feel as though I can be much more involved with him as far as how we spend our time together. I also have trouble with disciplining him and dealing with his tantrums. Cameron is a very sweet kid, but his temper and attitude are a lot like mine VERY hard to deal with.

C50: What’s one piece of advice from a Veteran Mom that you wish they had told you before you became a first-time parent?

JH: I honestly feel as though I was told everything that I wish I would’ve known. Because of my awesome support system, from family on down to close friends, I don’t think I ever missed out on a piece of advice that I felt I needed. I pretty much heard it all. It was annoying at first, and a bit overwhelming, but it definitely paid off the past three years.

C50: So far what have you learned about discipline and correction as you parent your son Cameron?

JH: I’ve learned that you have to be firm and consistent with your discipline, but not too firm. You want your children to respect you, and not to be afraid to ever come near you. You also have to find what works best for you and your child, everyone and every kid is different. What works for someone else’s child may not work for mine.

Bonus Question

C50: What can your loyal readers expect from MOM Voyage in the future as you enter “Chapter 23” of your life?

JH: My readers can expect a more genuine and relatable side of Mom Voyage. I plan on continuing my journey and sharing how I’m evolving into this person that I feel I am meant to be, as a mother and as an individual.

C50: There you have it Golden Divas my first interview with my PRE-DIVA Jasmine Howard, a daughter, friend, blogger, and more importantly a MOTHER!

Check out her posts on Facebook on her MOM Voyage page and on Instagram at momvoyagelog_. 



  1. Jocelyn Dorsey July 5, 2018 at 12:11 PM

    Keep up the great work, Jasmine. You are doing a fabulous job, learning and growing with your precious son.

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