Golden Divas This Is Your Season


 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Hello Golden Divas,

Let me talk to you for a minute; this is a commercial post to get you back on your merry way of greatness! I want to minister to my fellow sisters there is no time like the present to go and get yours. Whatever your heart desires as long as you are putting God first it will be yours. Isn’t that great news? To know that God has your back!

Ladies, we are at a stage in our lives where we can soar to greatness to rediscover ourselves, as I love to affectionately call it, “REINVENT OURSELVES” on the other side of 50. You’ve seen some of my Golden Diva Interviews where the Divas shared their dreams of how they stepped out on faith and started “LIVING THE GOLDEN LIFE!” 

Well, I’m here to tell you don’t give up, don’t give in to the naysayers and don’t stop dreaming. You know life is just beginning for us, most of our children are grown living their own lives, if you’re married you’re reconnecting with your spouse, if you’re blessed to be still working, you probably have a nice 401k and pension plan saved up.

So what’s stopping you from doing YOU? 

Okay, realistically that sounds fine and dandy in someone else’s world, and it can look great in your world too. Your story might be a little different, you might still have children living at home, or you might be raising your grandchildren heck you might be single, widowed, divorced, and you might be unemployed or living paycheck to paycheck at this stage in your life.

Ladies, it doesn’t matter! What matters is you can change the narrative of your own story. You are the mastermind behind your master plan. This is the book of life, titled ‘Club 50’and beyond, where everything goes, where each day you can write a NEW chapter of your life.

Think about it; if God brings you to it, He definitely will carry you through it. He is above all of your circumstances so don’t worry what about what you don’t have or don’t know.  Why… because change is inevitable and it is a growing and learning process where we can get a do-over in the second half of our lives.

Pastor T.D. Jakes breaks it down in one of his sermons on why this is our season for greatness and why we should embrace the change that is now bestowed upon us.

“This is your season to step out of the familiar. Get ready for a shift! It may be uncomfortable, but you’ve got to go in any way. God is getting ready to take you places that are beyond your wildest imagination. You are getting ready to step into a territory that you have never stepped in before. God is able to do his best work in our lives outside of our comfort zones. You’ve got to leave what is comfortable and familiar to you and begin to step into the next dimension of blessings and favor that God wants to unleash in your life. The places that God is taking you in 2018 are going to require you to walk by faith and not by sight (Romans 10:17). You were called for such a time as this! This is your destiny moment! Walk boldly toward what is unfamiliar to you and watch God work on your behalf!”    

Remember ladies this is your season for GREATNESS, for FAVOR, this is your season to reap what you have sown. Everything is working together for your good! 

Listen to this powerful motivator in song: “It’s Working” by William Murphy

Click to listen.
