Fear or Faith

4 Tips To Help You Over Come Your Fears!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Hello Golden Divas!

Just because ‘Chapter 50’ is the next phase of our lives it doesn’t mean that we are exempt from having fears. The fears that we carried when we were younger may still be lingering on preventing us from getting to live our lives like it is golden.

The other day I was chatting with some of my girlfriends, and one thing that we all have in common is a bucket list of fears. Fear of the unknown on the other side of 50, fear of the things we didn’t accomplish in our before we turned 50. I’m just wondering who told you; you had an expiration date. God is NOT finished with you yet, so Golden Diva do not have the right to give up on your dreams.

You know those dreams of going back to school to get your degree and fear has set in so much that it has (satan) convinced you that you are too old, too busy, and not smart enough.

How about the fear of starting a new career? Whoa! Hold on there a minute I know what you probably think …jobs are too hard to come by and you’ve been a fixture at your job for over 20 years. Everyone likes you, and you get paid a pretty penny.

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda…only thing is you’re not happy there, and fear is keeping you trapped because you’re afraid to step out on faith in your fifties.

What about fear of getting back out there to date again. Done that tried that I’m content to be by myself, you say. Or after my divorce, I’m not trying to get involved in a serious relationship again. These men come with too much drama, and I am too old to be getting caught up in some mess. Will I ever find love again? Fear of living alone.      

Hey, let’s get real here most of have a fear of living the rest of your days out in poverty. You’re probably worried about your finances, your 401k, pension, and your savings. Is it enough, did I invest enough. After all, this is the chapter of life that we start looking good and hard at all of our life work to see if we can retire comfortably or not.

Well, the good news there is a cure for overcoming all of your fears. Did you know most fears are based on feelings, not facts? Ladies we need to look beyond our fears and uncover the expectations that lie beneath them.

Golden Divas if we let fear take over our lives we’ll never fully live. Now that is just ludicrous God has allowed us to live to see this glorious age and now we really should be thinking the glass is half full instead of half empty and take advantage of all of His opportunities to live our lives to the fullest.

You see when you know you have God’s approval your fears begin to die. The truth is many of your fears are unfounded. They will dissipate just like that bad relationship, and a lousy job. Studies show that 95 percent of what we fear is baseless, and the rest are things we must learn to live with.

So you know what that means we shouldn’t let fear keep us from living our best life. We have to strive to learn something before we die. We have to trust in God to order our steps so that we can continue to develop in this world. Divas two things are ever-present with us in life: FEAR and FAITH.

Fear will have you believe that you can’t do something and it will eventually interfere with what you can do. Did you know that most negative emotions can be converted into something positive to help us get further on in our journey on the other side of 50? If you are afraid of poverty (and most of us are) convert those feelings into a work ethic. Are you afraid of rejection (getting back out there dating again) transform it into the ability to connect with people? Go on a date. No one is telling you to be married to the man. 

Lawd Jesus, I know my sisters out there are some worrywarts; however, ladies what have worrying ever gotten you? Besides being depressed and grayer hair. It only lets you see the problem up close and personal while a concerned person solves the problem. Okay, so you’re probably asking how you can become a problem-solver. By focusing on the things, you can control Divas.

The first thing is our attitude; Pattie Labelle said it best “I have a new attitude.” If we adopt that simple statement knowing that what happens to us isn’t as nearly as important as what happens in us.

The second thing is our calendar, ladies we may not be able to control today’s circumstances, but we must remember God is more significant than all of our circumstances and we have to strive to do our best to plan the time that we do have. The majority of us fear the future because we don’t prepare for it (retirement).

Yesterday and tomorrow will fight for your attention; yesterday wants us to second guess our decisions (worry) if we did the right thing. Now you know that’s wasted energy that ship has sailed no need to continue to worry about a situation if you have done your very best. Now tomorrow can have you ladies missing all kinds of opportunities to live your very best life on the other side of 50. I mean honestly, we are not cookie-cutter women, we go through the stages of life differently and sometimes things are not what we may expect; some good, some bad, all different. Focusing on the destination is not necessarily a good idea. Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its worries. You all know we have enough on our plates already and today’s trouble is enough for today. God already knows our needs. ‘HE GOT THIS’ Divas!

TIP # 1

The only place we have POWER is in the now (THE PRESENT) not YESTERDAY and not TOMORROW so as long as we do what we can in the here and now despite our fears, we’ll have the satisfaction of knowing we’re doing everything within our power to reach our potential. 

Golden Divas did you know once we turn our past and our future over to God and live our life one day at a time, by trusting Him that my Golden Divas is how we are going to overcome our fears.

TIP #2

You can’t expect fear to vanish. If you focus on your fears, entertain them, and give in to them they will magnify. That is why you have to starve them. Don’t give them your time or energy. Focus on being that best you, focus on your faith and feed it each day through God’s word. Just like anything else the more time you devote to it (your faith) will become STRONGER!!!


TIP # 3 The most important step you can take to overcome fear is trusting God to do the thing you think you can’t do. I know fear can have a stronghold on us ladies, but remember fear is in your mind and the Word of God can renew it.

Tip # 4

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (remember Patti…A New Attitude) that you may prove what right and acceptable and perfect will of God is.

Every day that you live, you will choose one or the other FEAR or FAITH. Which one are you picking Golden Divas?

Here’s the BOTTOM LINE: We know everyday fear and faith will arise UP in us, and we get to decide which one will prevail; however the one you feed will be the one that dominates your life. If it’s fear, you will never accomplish your goals in life or those exciting things on your BUCKET LIST that you always said you would do when you turn 50.

Source: Daily Devotional  

  1. Donna Terrell June 17, 2018 at 11:24 PM

    This was a good post. NOW is all we have!

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