Club Fifty DNA

The Making of A GOLDEN D.I.V.A!

Psalm 139:14 says,

 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Hello Ladies!

The ultimate DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is “The Molecule of Life,” and it comes from God. He is the creator that blessed us with this blueprint of cells that contains our genetic material and instructions for development, growth, and reproduction. Our DNA is passed from generation to generation, and it is located in every cell of our body, and it reveals traces of our family history.

Your DNA is what makes you uniquely you. It’s that double helix that your genes are made of. Your DNA accounts for why you resemble your parents, and it distinguishes you from animals and everybody else, but it also gives you a genetic lineage to God.

Golden Divas that is very gratifying to know that our Lord and Savior created us in His own image and as women, He gave us that extra special touch when he formed us. We were uniquely designed and equipped to be a bearer and nurturer of life. In fact, Eve’s name meant “life.”

Now and then I catch a glimpse of the Ancestry DNA commercial on television, and I often wonder about my genetic ancestry. Questions bombard my mind about my family history, what is my family ethnicity, how can I connect with distant relatives, what is my unique story in my DNA, who were my ancestors and where did they come from?

Seeing that commercial, of course, got me to thinking about the DNA that I share with my Club Fifty sisters and our genealogy connection to what makes us DIVAS! Our family tree and pedigree started long before this blog came into existence. We were destined to cross each path in life because of the same DNA we share as extraordinary women.  

So what does the CLUB FIFTY DNA entails?

The Club Fifty DNA consists of an elite set of women living on the other side fifty making a difference in their lives and others. These Golden Divas have been gifted with extraordinary qualities that connect them together so that they have the desire to help one another, going through specific transitions in their lives. We see ourselves in each other just like God sees us in Him when He created us.

As we know DNA, the acronym for Deoxyribonucleic Acid stands for the vital foundation on which the structure of life is built. It is also the acronym on which Club Fifty structure of sisterhood is built.

A Club Fifty Golden Diva contains the following:

DIVINE: Golden Divas we are the embodiment of God’s creative power! Ladies, we embody the feminine aspect of God, through which He created the creation. God placed within us divine qualities of strength, virtue, love, and the willingness to sacrifice to raise future generations of his spirit children.

Women by divine nature have the more significant gift and responsibility for home and children and nurturing there and in other settings. As women we attain the group of attributes and qualities of humankind regarded as godly or godlike and exquisite in all we do, to be inspired by God and to be very pleasing and attractive.

INSPIRING: We are ordinary women who have done extraordinary things. We embody the ability and willingness to be selfless, creative, innovative, and we dare to be different. Ladies, we have the charismatic ability to lead one another to become better individuals. We see the greatness of one another.

We inspire each other no matter how we feel or what we have or have not achieved. Even if we feel that we have not yet reached the endpoint, and even if we feel we have reached a low point, we still have the ability to inspire. We give back to lift each other up because we know the impact that it will carry to give, plus we are smart enough to know we might be in a position to reciprocate if we find ourselves in a time of need.  

VICTORIOUS: God has called us to be VICTORIOUS. Not only are we gorgeous to Him, fearfully and wonderfully made, but we are also extremely valuable to Him and have a great destiny that only we can fulfill to Him and one another. I just want to remind you that we are precious women of God, that we were never created to live under life’s circumstances, but to overcome in every aspect of our lives.

The word “victorious” means: Having won, successful, having a favorable outcome, undefeated, winning, first, champion, conquering. All these meanings apply to you Golden Divas!! I want to encourage you always to remember this especially when the hard times and seasons come when you feel tired and vulnerable when negative thoughts threaten to assail you – resist them with the truth of God’s word. We are VICTORIOUS and have been called to live in the manifestation of every blessing that Christ has for us. God wants us to SPEAK LIFE; to LIVE LIFE and to BE LIFE.

ANOINTED:  Ladies we have the spirit of the Lord upon us. We are appointed by God to carry out His assignment in our daily lives. We are set apart, and we stand out even more in this time in our lives as a person specially blessed by God to see the other side of 50 with continuous strength, protection, and empowerment over our lives. He has gifted all of us with many talents some of us with ministry gifts in more visible ways than others. Golden Divas we are called to fulfill our various roles in life, and one of those tasks may include walking into sisterhood boldly while holding each other up to the highest standard so that we can live our best life yet.

Now you know the great attributes that a Club Fifty DNA carries, the truth behind the fabulous women living on the other side of 50. Golden Divas we are here to create not deconstruct one another. We are here to compliment not criticize one another, and we are here to trust our intuition on this journey call life because it all stems back to God giving us “The Molecule of Life” to connect with one another.

Golden Diva (Divine, Inspiring, Victorious, Anointed) women!!