Bridging The Generational Gap Between Women!

Let’s Talk About It!

Hello Golden Divas!

This week at Club 50 I would like to expand my horizon with you ladies so, I called out my 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70-year-old divas to participate in this week blog. We are REDEFINING, RETHINKING, REPLACING, and REINVENTING the conversations of sisterhood by bridging the generational gap between women with (1) simple question.


But before we get to the inspiring and encouraging responses let’s take a look at the different generations and how they are similar and differ from one another. As women, we have experienced separate world events, changing trends, new technologies, and varying ideologies/morals and values, in each of our generations which make us unique from one another as Fabulous Divas!

Silent Generation: 1928-1945 (73 -90 years old)

  • Outlook: Practical
  • Work Ethic: Dedicate
  • View of Authority: Respectful
  • Leadership by: Hierarchy
  • Relationships: Self-Sacrifice
  • Perspective: Civic-Minded
  • Turn-offs: Vulgarity

 Baby Boomer: 1946-1964 (54 –72 years old)

  • Outlook: Optimistic
  • Work Ethic: Driven
  • View of Authority: Love/Hate
  • Leadership by: Consensus
  • Relationships: Personal Gratification
  • Perspective: Team Oriented
  • Turn-offs: Political Incorrectness

 Generation X: 1965-1980 (38- 53 years old)

 Outlook: Skeptical

  • Work Ethic: Balance
  • View of Authority: Unimpressed
  • Leadership by: Competence
  • Relationships: Reluctance to Commit
  • Perspective: Self-Reliant
  • Turn-offs: Cliché’s-Hype

 Millennial: 1981- 1996 (22- 37 years old)

  • Outlook: Hopeful
  • Work Ethic: Ambitious
  • View of Authority: Relaxed, polite
  • Leadership by: Achievement pulling together
  • Relationships: Loyal, inclusive
  • Perspective: Civic- Minded
  • Turn-offs: Cynicism, condescension  

 After looking into each of the generations, I’ve found myself much more understanding as to why older and younger generations do things certain ways. It’s just one more perspective to have in normal life communication and socialization especially with my divas. Each generation is different and different is okay. What is important is that we all work together to understand each other and continue to work to bridge the generational gap of women.


 Here are the responses from (4) different generations!!!

CAPABLE OF MANAGING all of her basic expenditures!”

                                           Dianne Baskin: I am ageless and divine. Baby Boomer

“Knowing that my God will supply ALL of my NEEDS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS and there is no need for worry.”

                                                                   Sheila Jones – 70s: Silent Generation

 “An independent woman knows she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her; therefore SHE IS NOT AFRAID of who she is or what she can do!”

                                                              Everlean Eckols-Seals: 78 Silent Generation

“My life has been good I have had some good years, and some has been challenging, but overall I consider myself happy loving and giving to others. I believe doing unto others as you would have them do until you are the biggest key to happiness. We must learn to give not to take away. Be kind, not angry.

LOVE, LAUGH, LIVE IN ORDER. Help others along the way trust and obey the WORD. Make your negatives into positives. If we didn’t have negative and positive situations in our life how would you balance out your everyday ups and down? God made up to be over all things he never said it would be easy. So put on your ‘BIG GIRL PANTIES’ and make life easy lovely happy and caring. Above all keep God as your roadmap.” 

                                                                     Pearlie McClelland: 72 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman is one who understands that when SHE PUTS GOD FIRST in her life, and stand on her faith, she can and will overcome any obstacles she is faced with!!! And she doesn’t need anyone to validate who she is!”

                                                                      Crysteline Watson: 61 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman can COMMAND THE ROOM when she walks into it and still comes home and prepare dinner.”

                                                                        Demetria Ojeda: 55 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman KNOWS HER WORTH her worth and won’t settle for less. She walks into a room with confidence and commands attention, even if it wasn’t her intention to do so. She establishes herself so that she will be okay with or without a life partner but knows this journey called life is more interesting when it is shared.”

                                                                                   Kim Nute: 50 Generation X

“An independent woman is a woman who can PROVIDE FOR HERSELF, who is not afraid to do things alone such as travel or start a business. She is a woman who doesn’t depend on others, but has no problem asking for help if she needs it.”

                                                                Tracy Brown Howard: 55 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman to me means being able to say he (her son) will never go without. I WORK HARD so he can PLAY HARDER. He’s my life, and I’ll always make sure he has what he needs even if I go without.”

                                                                                 Jennifer Nash: 35 Millennial

“An Independent Woman means having peace in my life and TRUSTING IN GOD through the process!! But I’m getting older, and I don’t want to grow old by myself and be alone.”

                                                                Bernadine Baldwin: 57 Baby Boomer

“Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be FEARLESS when facing them!”

                                                                     Earnestine Davis: 57 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman to me is a woman that has learned to find sunshine in every storm. She’s INTENTIONAL about healing wounds and becoming whole. She holds herself ACCOUNTABLE to evolve into who God created her to be and all He has assigned her to do. An independent woman holds strong to her faith knowing God is her source, and everything else is a resource.” 

                                                                             Jenny Christian: 35 Millennial

“Independent Woman: A woman that can/has made it in life (i.e., lifestyle, family, career. travel, etc.); independent of having to depend upon (too many) others, financially emotionally, physically, yet having availability to call upon others if needed, TEMPORARILY. Hopefully to share what was has been built/building and being in a position to support others (women) without stress/strain to yourself with grace or expectation of ANYTHING in return.”

                                                                 Janette Brown: 50+ Baby Boomer

“Being an independent woman to me means having FINANCIAL SECURITY and PEACE OF MIND at this stage of my life! ‘I’m creeping up on 54 on 8/14”

                                                                   Sandra Coleman: 53 Baby Boomer

“An independent woman is someone who may sometimes WANT help but does not necessarily NEED to depend on anyone else to do what they need to do.”

                                                                                    Jayme Howard: 25 Millennial

“To me, Independence is a PRIVILEGE. Not every woman has the resources to live her life to the fullest in the way that she wants. If I am lucky enough to have those resources, I have a RESPONSIBILITY to go after my DREAMS and do my part to help other women achieve theirs.”

                                                                              Sheri Flanders: 42 Generation X

“CONTINUOUS GROWTH” – I believe once you stop growing you stop living your best, authentic life.”

                                                       Leslie Holley, MA, LCPC, NCC: 41 Generation X

“An Independent Woman is SOMEONE WHO CAN DO IT ALL and be it all without needing any help, but smart enough to know when she should accept help, who she should accept if from and why she would accept it in the first place.”

                                                                 Vanessa McCain-Mason: 61 Baby Boomer

 “An independent woman to me is WHEN YOU HAVE STABILITY when no matter what you can make things happen. You’re putting God first in your life, and there’s nothing that you can achieve if you put forth the effort. You pray about it then put in the work!

                                                                                Rita Hudson: 55 Baby Boomer      

“An independent woman is someone who is CONFIDENT, STRONG, HUMBLE AND RESOURCEFUL. Someone who knows they are complete single or in a relationship.”

                                                                                Cheryl Mosley: 30 Millennial

 “An independent woman is someone who makes her own moves. She’s not waiting for ANYONE’S permission for anything.”  Her song reference for this quote is ‘Nice for What’ by Drake.   

                                                                                         Kutah Sillah: 24 Millennial

“An independent woman is one who is comfortable and confident spending time alone, and getting in some quality ‘ME TIME!” Her song reference is ‘Miss Independent’ by Neyo.

                                                                                   Mary Sillah: 52 Generation X

“Ladies be the kind of woman that makes other women want to UP THEIR GAME!”

                                                                              Brenda McCain: 52 Generation X

 One thing I learned from this week exercise there is no cookie cutter answers, and there is no right or wrong answer to the question. Due to the different generations that we were born in, our morals and value system is bound to be different. As you read the responses and peeked at the ages you can see a commonality the stretched across the different generations. The beauty of this exercise is we can learn to communicate with respect for one another and how we view an independent woman no matter if we are a Silent Generation, Baby Boomer, Generation X or Millennial,  this unique experiment brought us all together!!

Thank you, ladies, for participating in this exercise again I love all of my Divas!!

The collage of pictures of these beautiful divas ranges from the ages of 24 -78 years old and they are in the order of the quotes you have read. Starting with Dianne Baskin and ending with Brenda McCain.












  1. MARY SILLAH August 8, 2018 at 5:48 PM

    DIVA Brenda McCain, you’ve done it again! I’m on my job but had to STOP and read this before it got buried in my work load.
    I am so inspired by all the shared comments on these inspirational women’s life experiences. I love that you continue to strive to help US(women) remember that its always okay to extend a hand and lift someone else up, or bring them along on our journey.
    Love you Girl!!

    1. theclubfifty August 8, 2018 at 8:21 PM

      Aweee…love you too Mary! Thanks for always being there for me and sharing your precious one with me. Tell Kutah thanks again for me.

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