About That Married Life

Living the golden life on the other side of fifty

Hello, Golden Divas!

Recently I had the pleasure of vast in another year of marriage. My husband and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary. “Hallelujah!” Now don’t get me wrong our marriage is far from perfect, however, it is our love story and only ours. So let me give you the prologue to our journey of love.

“Our marriage was established on August 26, 1994. I took a leap of faith and I eloped with Ricardo McCain and ‘The McCain 4 Life’ journey began.”

God gave me a God-fearing man that is my roommate, lover, friend, work partner, and counselor, and in our journey together we have loved hard, worked hard and played even harder. Overall we have grown in our marriage spiritually and physically (lol) and through it, all God has kept our marriage strong throughout our trials and tribulations so that we can continue to glorify His name.

The McCain Train was born and our teamwork of marriage forged full steam ahead with lots of obstacles of course. Now ya’ll know it couldn’t and wouldn’t be a marriage without lots of obstacles!

However, this past weekend brought about lots of memories of when we first started off as a couple. How Satan continuously tried to steal, kill, and destroy our marriage. Even though I didn’t sign up to be a preacher’s wife nor did I ever dream of being one, GOD knew what was best for me and He positioned and groomed me to be the best wife and helpmate I can be for my husband.

“About That Married Life” it has been challenging to say the least. Starting off in my late 20’s cool as a cucumber to now being a hot Golden Diva (from hot flashes) in my early fifties has been an interesting journey; especially now since I am not just discovering new things to do with my husband, I am discovering new things within myself since I have been going through menopause.  

 Although just like many other couples we had our share of ups and downs and some in-between meantime situations. However, as long as we have God as the head of our marriage all things were and still is possible. 

In my 23 years as his bride, I have a lot of reflections of what I thought I could have done differently in our marriage, nonetheless, I truly believed that everything we went through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly has strengthened our marriage and our walk with the Lord.

Golden Diva’s for some reason I am looking at my marriage differently now. I guess it might be because it’s almost a quarter of a century old, and a lot of my friends are no longer traveling this journey with me. Nonetheless, the novelty of being Mrs. Ricardo McCain has not worn off on me. Thank you, Jesus! I love growing with my husband and experiencing new things with him.

Although, being married on the other side of fifty made me pay attention to the little things, such as I’m no “Spring Chicken” anymore; I found myself moving a lot slower lately and not bouncing back quickly from injuries. I messed up my MCL (medial collateral ligament) in my right knee and the healing process is taking very long so needless to say it kind of put a damper on a lot of things if you know what I mean. We keep it real here!  

Fortunately, I have a patient and understanding husband. Lol. Anyway, this weekend made me realize how blessed I was to be going on this journey with Rick. I’m not saying all of this to brag on my marriage, but I am saying all of this to brag on the God we serve. Our motto on our radio show (which we will be starting back up on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, from 6:30 pm -8:30 pm at SOARRADIO.COM, check us out) is…

“To Know God’s Glory; We Must Share Our Backstory!”

We are a very transparent couple that is willing to share our back story, and our journey in marriage so that we can help others who are struggling, doubtful, and ready to give up, and throw in the towel in their marriage. No one ever said marriage would be easy and one thing for sure if you want your love in your marriage to grow you have to continue to fuel it because when it’s not fueled, it dies out.

I am grateful to have been able to celebrate 23 years of marriage with the love of my life and may the adventure of discovering and exploring all that I am capable of doing in my 50’s manifest tremendously. Yes, things in my marriage have definitely changed because we have both changed as individuals. However, I know with all certainty I’m ready to continue traveling down this road with my man to see where God leads us.

“You have to speak life into existence Golden Divas!”

Again I say we have been through some hardships but we have also been through some very happy times with one another. One thing for sure when you’re living the golden life on the other side of 50 your perspective changes in life and especially in your marriage. You really start to see things in your marriage with a laser view of clarity! 

Things that I have taken for granted in my early years of marriage I don’t do anymore, such as assuming he knows what I am talking about. Over the years my communication level and love languages have improved to better our relationship and although I have been praying throughout our marriage, my prayers are in-depth now because of my walk with God.

Golden Diva’s I truly love praying for my husband for his needs and wants, after all, he is the head of this family unit and as long as he walks with God I’m walking with him.

I love the fact that my husband has a blind spot for my beauty. He still gives me goosebumps when he says I am still sexy, fine, and beautiful to him at 51. Rick is an old fashion guy with morals, values and he has the chivalry thing down pack. We hold hands all of the time, he still walks on the outer part of the streets (for my protection) and he still loves to open doors up (car doors, entryway doors) for his bride.

The sweetest compliment was given to us a few weeks back from another dynamic couple that ran into us in the grocery store parking lot. Luther said I thought Rick just says that stuff when he’s teaching a class, he actually means what he says and says what he means. He saw Rick opening up the car door for me and then he proceeded with loading the trunk with our groceries.  

These little things might not mean anything to some women but it means the world to me. I must admit I took his chivalry gestures for granted back in my twenties. Shame on me! Lol. This gallantry is not just for show for Rick, it is Rick! It is his nature to be courteous not only for me but for all women. I really admire this in him and any man that chooses to do this.

However, I kind of feel sorry for the younger generation who haven’t experience chivalry from their guy and some older ladies who are still seeking this from a man. I am forever blessed to have this piece of joy in my life. Again, I don’t say this to brag on Rick, I say it to brag on God, marriage takes a lot of work and as we always say on our radio show

“Marriage Isn’t for Punks!”

No matter what your tagline is in your marriage if you are married try to make it work.

The greatest joy within my 23 years of marriage is experiencing the journey together and seeing the growth that both of us have endured in our 2 decades plus union. Despite all of the menopause changes that brought about a physical and mental change within myself I am forever grateful to have my Rock, My Love, My Husband going through the change with me. Living my life like it’s golden has truly been a joy!       

Golden Divas thank you for sharing my anniversary with me!!