7 Tips On How To Have Great Sex In Your Fifties!

Let’s Talk About Sex Baby…

Sex in your fifties is an interesting topic of conversation, to say the least; either it’s too taboo to talk about for some or strictly mystical for others, either way, there are a lot of facts and fiction we need to set straight because when it comes up most people assume that only the 20-something crowd is enjoying a night of passion or a stable, sexual relationship.

So when did sex come with an expiration date?

When I was younger, I didn’t even want to think about older couples having sex. It kind of grossed me out. But now I find myself in this stage of life as the older person and sex is still at the forefront of my mind. I’m sure my husband is happy about that. I have been married for 23 years and yes our sex life has dwindled down a bit, and I’m not swinging from chandeliers (anymore) ha, ha…but overall it is still pleasurable.

So, what about sex for the over-50s crowd, the happily married women who still want to get their groove on or the happily single women who still want to mingle? Or are women in their fifties even interested in having sex anymore?

First, ladies, there’s no reason for our sex life to suffer when we turn 50 and beyond, in fact, most women say they reach a peak of sexual satisfaction after celebrating their half-century birthday.

It’s just when we say it like that it sounds very ancient and cryptic!

Okay…I digressed back to the real discussion here.

Can the over-50s crowd of women still enjoy sex?

Sure they can. Just because you’re sporting a little gray hair now on your crown of glory and down in the garden, doesn’t mean it’s time to pack-up the sexy underwear and forget sex forever Ladies. 

Here are seven reasons why sex in your fifties is the best

  1. More satisfied: For people in the later stages of their relationship, sexual satisfaction depends more on the overall quality of the relationship than it does for the young whipper-snappers.
  2. Better orgasms: This one is for the ladies. It’s said women find increased sexual pleasure after menopause and even experience more frequent or more intense orgasms.
  3. Self- confidence: When you hit your 50s you’ve had five long decades to come to terms with how you look, feel, and what’s been in your past. Unlike your worry-filled 20s, in your 50s you’re free and easy, oozing confidence.
  4. Self-Pleasure: Pre-heating your own oven is no longer a taboo subject. In your 50s you’ve learned all about your own body and know-how to explore the vast garden of your own erogenous tissue
  5. More Time: In your 50s you’ve paid your dues working all the hours of the week (and weekend for most) building up your career and now there’s time to sit back and relax. Taking more time for yourself means less pressure, less anxiety, and more time to do what you want.
  6. Increased foreplay: It’s a well-known fact a change in hormones for both men and women in their 50s means peaks and troughs when it comes to sex. But one way to combat that is to increase the levels of foreplay, masturbation, and exercise. What better excuse is there than that?
  7. Empty nest: If you’ve got kids they’ll probably have left home by now – and if they haven’t the worries you once had about curfews and homework will be gone. Relish in the home you’ve made and built it up as yours and your partner’s, once again.

Okay, that’s fine and dandy but you have a few more questions.

  1. What’s really going on down there?

Ladies, you may have already noticed some emotional changes (I know I have) that have accompanied menopause, but did you know your vagina and vulva are physically changing as well? As your estrogen changes during menopause, these tissues are thinning and becoming less flexible. You’re also probably experiencing vaginal dryness (not yet).

Did you know all of these changes can affect the way you experience sex, but they can also be addressed with fairly simple solutions?

  • Changing sexual positions
  • Using over-the-counter lubrication
  • Vaginal moisturizers, for example, may help you maintain sexual enjoyment.

2. I’m no longer interested in sex. Is this normal?

A dip in libido is a common complaint made by many women of menopausal age. But this dip doesn’t have to be permanent. Continuing to engage in sexual activity, either with your partner or through self-stimulation, may help you push past this period of lessened desire. Talking to your healthcare provider may also provide further insight into possible solutions. 

  1. Are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) still a concern?

You Betcha! I couldn’t resist my Sarah Palin voice. Being of menopausal age doesn’t protect you from STDs. When beginning a sexual relationship with a new partner, you should still use safe sex practices. Using condoms or some other form of protection, as well as discussing STD testing and your expectations of monogamy are important features of beginning a new sexual relationship.

Truths and Myths

Fiction: Beyond a certain age, women have little interest in sex.
Fact: There is no age limit on sexuality, but for some women age 50 and over, sexual satisfaction depends more on the overall quality of the relationship than it does for younger couples.

Fiction: Emotional and psychological factors are responsible for a woman’s lack of interest in sex at midlife and beyond.
Fact: Physical factors can play an even larger role. Hormonal changes at menopause can affect a woman’s sexual response. Low estrogen levels can result in vaginal dryness, causing discomfort during sex. And in some women, lower testosterone levels can mean a lack of energy and a weaker sex drive. Other women find their interest in sex increases after menopause, due, in part, to a shift in the ratio of testosterone to estrogen and progesterone.

Fiction: A woman loses her ability to have orgasms as she ages.
Fact: Many women find increased sexual pleasure after menopause, including more frequent or more intense orgasms.

Fiction: Masturbation diminishes your ability to enjoy sex with a partner.
Fact: Masturbation can increase sexual pleasure, both with and without a partner. For women, it helps keep vaginal tissues moist and elastic and boosts hormone levels, which fuels sex drive.

Fiction: Couples at midlife and beyond who don’t have regular sex have lost interest in sex or in each other.
Fact: When older couples don’t have regular sex, it’s usually because one partner has an illness or disability.

Talk to me…Are you still interested in sex in your fifties?              

http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/597324/sex-over-fifty-50-erections-at-50-senior-dating ttp://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/q-and-a-sex-in-your-50s-and-60s#4

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  1. Kim Randle April 26, 2017 at 7:28 PM

    Still interested in sex! I have always had a high sex drive, my partner not so much. Nobody told me what to expect in my fifties! You are right orgasms are really intense, but dry as a bone down there sometimes. But I take a licking keep on ticking (wink wink). If it was up to me two times a day would be wonderful. Ladies lets reconnect with ours bodies, let us explore!

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