2017 Golden Diva Interview’s

Celebrating My “Golden Beauties!”

I had the pleasure of taking a leap of faith this year to start my Club Fifty blog. My blog was designed for a very elite type of woman. The “Golden Diva” she is (Divine, Inspiring, Victorious, & Anointed). Club 50 is a woman’s sanctuary where you can just keep it real with no judgment of what you are going through personally in your life!

I would be remised if I didn’t take the time to thank all of the beautiful ladies that helped me out by allowing me to interview them for my blog throughout the year. These beautiful souls joined me on this journey to share their backstories by being transparent and honest about how they were making strides and living the golden life in their fabulous 50’s and beyond.    

So what better way to close out the year and celebrate these lovely ladies by dedicating the last “Golden Diva Interview” of 2017 to all of the phenomenal “Golden Divas” my “Golden Beauties” for the month of December? I honor you and thank you again for inspiring and encouraging me and your sisters and for helping me to make this blog successful!  

Here is a snippet of Club Fifty 2017 finest ladies….you can check out their interviews in its entirety by the category that they are speaking about…

April: Style & Beauty: Bernadine Baldwin 57

C50: Bernadine as a seasoned woman in your fifties what makes you feel empowered and beautiful?

BB: I feel empowered when I dress up. I love fashion and everything that comes with it, for instance, I love clothes that make a statement, clothes that will start a conversation even before I open my mouth. Clothes that are unique and clothes that are fitted well on my body. That is my “Beautiful” it makes me feel, grown, sexy and pretty.

May: Fitness & Wellness: Earnestine Davis 56

C50: Why is it so important to exercise frequently at this stage of our lives?

ED: You want to start ASAP, but if you are 50+ and haven’t begun a regiment, start soon. You will have more energy and quality of life because strength training builds bone density and lean muscle mass, along with a stronger heart and lungs and you will sleep better.

June: What To Expect in Your Fifties: Donna Terrell, 56

C50: Have you experienced the dreaded “HOT FLASHES and NIGHT SWEATS?”

DT: Yeah, it was horrible! After that last period, that’s when all that hit me head on. I would stick my head in the freezer for relief. Luckily, I wasn’t working at the time, so I was able to wear tank tops everywhere, and I went no place without my trusty bag of ice! I would wake up drenched, having to change tops. My doctor eventually gave me some hormone replacement meds. They worked great! I wanted a 25-year supply of refills! But you’re not supposed to be on them for more than a couple of years. That’s just to get over the hump. The good news is all that goes away! I’m good now!

July: Money & Work: Wandachristine, Ageless Beauty

C50: What’s your secret to staying happy and working at this stage of your life? No pun intended!

WC: My secret to staying happy and energetic in this “wonderful” life is WALKING.  I love to walk.  I sold my car years ago.  I live downtown which makes it a bit more scenic; but everywhere I’ve ever lived, I always WALK!  I love walking it’s my form of meditation.  It’s how I work on lines or when I’m trying to get ideas for a writing project.  And when I walk, I “feel” beautiful and when you feel beautiful, you can be “any” age.

August: Style & Beauty, Tracy Howard 54

C50: Do you feel that having gray hair for men and women are viewed differently in society?

TH: I do believe that having gray hair for men and women are viewed differently in society. With men, they are handsome and distinguished but people feel as if gray hair makes a woman old. I have had people tell me, you should dye your hair, or you could get a man if you dyed it….really people?  But believe it or not most men say they like it gray, but women want me to dye it.

September: Golden Living: Mary Sillah, 51

C50: What was your epiphany when you realized that you had to create a new version of YOU and do you believe reinvention is a state of mind?

MS: My epiphany was not striking but gradual. I’m usually a happy person, but suddenly I was grumpy all the time and just didn’t feel fulfilled. I felt like I was missing out on so many of the things I wanted to do. My job was demanding, my family obligations seemed never-ending, and I didn’t have a release. One day I just decided…“I CAN’T DO EVERYTHING!”

October: Sex Marriage & Relationships: Monique Coleman, 51

C50: Have any mid-life stresses such as caring for an elder parent, empty nest syndrome, or career change affected your marriage?

MC: Yes, our move to Nashville took a toll on not our marriage but me personally. I became withdrawn and didn’t want to be bothered with anyone. It was then that the Lord revealed to me that “I ASKED FOR A CHANGE.“ The Lord reminded me that I wanted to have a new home built, as promised God granted me with the desire of my heart. The Lord also said your new home wouldn’t be in Texas. Praise God for favor!!!

November: Health & Healthy Living: Lethia Brown 78 and Victoria Jones-Mullins 64

C50: Why do you think it is important for women to share their experiences of menopause with other women?

LB: To share all experiences with each other is a wonderful attribute because in most cases we’re going to experience the same thing anyway and it lets us know that we are not alone. Basically, as a female no one woman is unique, we will share a lot of the same things such as illnesses, marital discourse, abuse, menopause, etc. Why not share your experience of menopause to let another woman who is going through it know that they will be just fine. When you share your experiences of menopause it states that you care because you can inspire and encourage one another that with a goal they can make it through and that you will not die at the door.

VJM: I think it’s important for women to share their menopausal experiences because sometimes we may be the only women they have to speak to, because by the time they reach menopausal age 50 years or older their own mother may not be present to ask questions to. Also, each person’s experience may be entirely different. I have one girlfriend that has not experienced any signs of menopause.  Oh… how I envy her.