14 Culprits Are Waiting To Invade Your Body After 50!!

Golden Diva’s Beware!

I know we don’t want to talk much about the bad side of aging on the other side of 50, just all of the glory that comes along with it. However, aging is called the golden years for a reason. Now don’t get me wrong getting older has its perks. Like our crystallized intelligence that only keeps on getting better and better as we age. This perk acts as a radar to help us with our physical wellness plan so that we can live the golden life.

Recently, I had a discussion with some of my fellow GD’s and I noticed the majority of the conversation was built upon the newfound ache and pains we were enduring. One sweet soul that is 57 told me this…

“When I wake up every morning I’m experiencing a lot of chronic back pain.”

Of course, we joked about her nightly activities and even suggested that maybe it is her mattress or it may be simply hereditary. She said no to all of the comments, new mattress, not as sexually active as she would like to be due to her newfound back pain and she can’t recall any of her family members having back pain.

Another friend stated… that her bones are starting to ache. She is 52 and is normally my energizer bunny. Good Lawd if she is aching and I am barely working out is there any hope for me.

“My bones feel brittle and they are starting to ache a lot.”

She is 52 and is normally my energizer bunny. Good Lawd if she is aching and I am barely working out is there any hope for me.

And yet another one of my Golden Divas who is 55 was complaining about the following…

“My eyesight is getting so bad, I have to wear invisible bifocals just to see and now my eyes stay so bloodshot red all of the time. The eye drops that were recommended for me to use from my optometrist to clear up the redness and dryness aren’t working anymore!”

This, of course, led my inquiring mind to do some research. Why do our brains and bodies, go through so much after turning 50. Yes, ladies, we have the menopause side effects down pack, but there are a lot of other sneaky factors waiting in the wings to attack us as well.

Such as chronic diseases and believe it or not nearly 8 in 10 of us have more than one. So guess what ladies, chances are, we’ll have one sooner or later.

So now the question becomes can we outsmart our age?
I’m sure there are some things we can do to live a healthier life. Right?!

Let’s take a look at these health problems that can sneak upon us. 

High blood pressure: “The Silent Killer.” I was diagnosed with it from stress when I turned 43 when I was downsized from my job at the hospital. Although, I didn’t have to wait until I turned 50 that unwanted gift came nearly a decade early.

The body is a beautiful work of art and it is also a gift from God that we have to continuously work on so that it can stay fit and healthy. You see as we age, our blood vessels get less flexible, and that puts pressure on the system that carries blood through our body.

About 2 in 3 adults over the age of 60 have high blood pressure. Yes, I got it early and it runs in my family.

But there are other causes we can control to keep it at bay:

Watch your weight
Stop smoking
Find ways to deal with stress
Eat healthily

Diabetes: is another culprit (and it runs in my family too) that can easily sneak up on us in our 50’s; especially if you have high blood pressure. Since 1980, the number of middle-aged and older adults with diabetes has almost doubled. Because of that, the CDC calls it an epidemic. Your risk of getting the disease goes up after you hit 45, and it can be serious. It can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, and other problems. Talk with your doctor about having your blood sugar checked.

Heart Disease 

Plaque buildup in your arteries is a major cause of heart disease. It starts in childhood and gets worse as you age. That’s why people age 40 to 59 are more than five times as likely to have heart disease as people 20 to 39. I think you see the big picture here ladies.


If you weigh a lot more than is healthy for your height, you could be considered obese — it’s not having just a few extra pounds. It’s linked to at least 20 chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and arthritis. The highest rate among all age groups is in adults ages 40 to 59 — 41% of whom are obese.


At one time, doctors chalked up this disease of the joints to the wear and tear of age, and that is a factor (37% of people 45 and over have osteoarthritis of the knee). But genetics and lifestyle probably have something to do with it as well. And previous joint injuries, a lack of physical activity, diabetes, and being overweight can all play a part, too.


Ladies, we really need to pay attention to this because of about half of women over 50, and up to 25% of men in that age group, break bones because they’ve lost too much bone mass, and their bodies haven’t replaced it. A couple of things that can help: a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D (you need both for strong bones) and regular weight-bearing exercises, like dancing, jogging, or climbing stairs.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

This causes inflammation and blocks air from your lungs. It’s a slow-moving disease that you could have for years without knowing it — symptoms usually show up in your 40s or 50s. It can make you have trouble breathing, and you may cough, wheeze, and spit up mucus. Exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding smoke and pollution can help.

Hearing Loss

Maybe nothing says “You’re getting older” more than having to ask, “What did you say?” Some 18% of Americans 45 to 64 have some sort of hearing trouble, and it tends to get worse as you age. Loud noise, disease, and your genes all play a part. Some medications can cause hearing problems, too. See your doctor if you’re not able to hear as well as you used to.

I got my hearing aid when I turned 50 years old due to a lightning strike that impaired my hearing when I was 19 years old. Nonetheless, the loss of hearing runs in my family as well.

Vision Problems

That annoying blurriness when you try to read the small type on labels or menus isn’t the only threat to your vision as you age. Cataracts (which cloud the lens of your eye) and glaucoma (a group of eye conditions that damage your optic nerve) can harm your eyesight. See your eye doctor for regular exams.

Bladder Problems

Whether you can’t go when you need to or you have to go too often, problems with bladder control tend to happen as we get older. They can be caused by nerve problems, muscle weakness, thickening tissue, or an enlarged prostate. Exercises and lifestyle changes — drinking less caffeine or not lifting heavy things, for example — often help.


Age is the biggest risk factor for cancer. The disease affects young people, too, but your odds of having it more than double between 45 and 54. You can’t control your age or your genes, but you do have a say in things like smoking or spending too much time in the sun.


People between the ages of 40 and 59 have a higher rate of depression than any other age group. Many people get down as health problems crop up, loved ones are lost or move away, and other life changes happen. It gets better, though. After 59, the numbers fall to only 7% of women and 5% of men.

Back Pain 

The older you get, the more common this is. Lots of things can make you more likely to have it: being overweight, smoking, not getting enough exercise or diseases like arthritis and cancer. Watch your weight, exercise, and get plenty of vitamin D and calcium to keep your bones strong. And strengthen those back muscles — you’ll need them.


Alzheimer’s, a form of dementia, usually doesn’t pop up until 65 or so. One in 9 people that age or older have Alzheimer’s, but the rate rises to 1 in 3 for ages 85 or up. Some risk factors (like age and heredity) are uncontrollable. But evidence suggests that a heart-healthy diet and watching your blood pressure and blood sugar might help.

As you can see this s a little disheartening, even to the strongest Golden Diva Warrior! But…Ladies, it’s worth paying attention to so that you can make the necessary changes to seek help and to better your situation before any of these ailments invade your health or get worse.

High blood pressure, cancer, hearing loss, diabetes, heart disease, and Osteoporosis runs rapidly within my family. There was a time I was so embarrassed about my family health history and afraid that I was going to get slammed with some of the problems that fell off of the family tree. Truth be told I’m still afraid only now I’m doing something about the problems that have invaded my world!

I want to live a fulfilling life and I am taking the necessary precautions to make sure everything stays at bay and so can you.

Golden Divas do you have any of the problems listed above?
