11 Rules of Being a Sexy Woman

Reclaiming My Sexiness Back!!

For The Seasoned Woman Marinated In Life Experiences!!

Hello Golden Divas!

Now I know this post may not apply to all of my Golden Divas because “YES” we still got it and is working our sexiness to an entirely different level of being sensual. But, for those who have not to capture the true beauty of what sexiness means keep reading this post because it is for you. 

What is the true meaning of sexiness? Is it the clothes you wear or not wear? How you style your hair? Is it the pouty lips, the thin, slender shape, the sensual over-exaggerated come-hither looks that you give?


I guess if we were to go to the mainstream media outlets, television, magazines, movies, certain stores, etc., that would indeed be considered sexy, sensual, and downright tempting. I mean Victoria Secret has the concept of being sexy down to a science to what they believe men find sexy.

Now, let’s fast forward all of that argumentative thinking into the “The Seasoned Woman…Marinated in Life Experiences” The woman living on the other side of fifty whom although is pretty darn sexy but lost her way. 

Now don’t get me wrong Golden Diva’s we don’t need a compliment from a man or a woman to define who we are we’re too smart for that! However, I don’t know one woman who is not flattered by a compliment or two and enjoy an admiring glance now and then regarding her beauty, style, and intelligence.

Golden Divas, what I’m talking about is how a woman over 50 feels invisible when she sometimes walks into a room. It’s feeling like people on the street are looking past you as if you aren’t even there. Ask a middle-aged woman, and she might say these slights have whittled away at her self-confidence, tricking her into believing the best years are behind her.

You see we live in a culture that often equates beauty and energy with youth. But I would like to turn that way of thinking on its head ladies. I truly believe women can be smart and sassy, beautiful, and confident and that they can continue to shake things up in the world around them no matter their age.

Shout out to my Golden Divas who are still holding it down in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, and let’s face it our 100-year-old Golden Divas!!

Ladies, it’s time to reclaim our sexiness on our terms; yes we are middle-aged women, women of a certain age, mature women, whatever you want to call it, just don’t call it OVER THE HILL!!!

We are seasoned women, and we are spicy women who have been marinated in life experiences. We are at the peak of our influential power, and we are committed to living fully and passionately in the second half of our lives, despite failures and false starts. Ladies we are still HOT!!!

We are not SHRINKING VIOLETS or dried up rose petals; we are resilient, beautifully vibrant, sexy women living our best life on the other side of 50. 2018, is the year of the woman, we are strong, fearless, and age-defying alluring divas! Whether you are single, a mother, divorced, or married sexy never goes out of style.

Ah, the joys of womanhood ladies! Now you know we are the beautiful sex, the softer side with the power to go along with it! We are the graceful gender, the intuitive, all-knowing half of humanity. Let’s face it we’ve ruled kingdoms with a glance and had all but stopped the world from going around with the wave of a hand. Mighty is the woman, and this is our year to speak our truths, and in doing so, we are forever sexy creatures walking this earth! Sorry Men!

However, with that beautiful anthem “We Are Women Hear Us Roar” have you noticed that being sexy has taken on a new meaning? We’re starting to realize that it’s not just about the way we look, but the way we carry ourselves, that makes us so attractive and irresistible to the opposite sex.

It is our depth, and substance Golden Divas it goes beyond our physical appearance, as sexy women we have to recognize certain truths, such as our dignified choices, and our refined character. We, ladies, have all passed over from error-prone teen to seasoned woman marinated in life experiences and I know we can appreciate this newfound revelation.

Now, to reclaim our sexiness back, we have to change our thought pattern.  Sexiness is a quality that radiates from within. It comes from a place of self-love and self-acceptance, from being the type of person others want to be around, a confident posture, a friendly smile, a willingness to connect.

I have embodied these characteristics because they have way more to do with my attractiveness than how much skin I’m showing in a particular outfit.

Which to me means that you – yes, you Golden Divas have the power to look and feel sexy right this very second. You don’t need to change your clothes or your hair or your makeup; you just need to change your outlook!!

Here are 11 Rules of Being a Sexy Woman 

You carry yourself like a lady. At all times no exceptions! I shake my head at the women I see drunkenly slobbering over words, dancing with their skirts unknowingly hiked over their heads in nightclubs, or screaming out every four-letter-word (we’ve all seen the reality shows…). I not only find it unattractive, but I also find it appalling. Being a sexy woman means acting like a lady. It means maintaining firm control of your words and actions.

Recognize your limits. Remember that if someone angers you, it’s much more effective to respond in a smart way than a belligerent way. The words woman and classy should remain synonymous.

You stand on your own feet. In the old world, the man was the breadwinner and the woman was the homemaker. There are many women who still depend on their spouses for financial support today. And while I don’t condemn this lifestyle, I find it worrisome not to have a financial backup plan. A sexy woman has her own fiscal security. Her partner may earn more than she does, but she is prepared for the worst if it were ever to happen. A woman prides herself on knowing that if she ever found herself on her own, she would suffice.

You don’t throw yourself at anyone. Wondrously caring and infinitely loving is the sexy woman. But she is also proud and acknowledges her vast self-worth. For this reason, she doesn’t throw herself at anyone who doesn’t reasonably reciprocate her efforts. The sexiest women are women who know when to call and when to refrain from calling, be it with stubborn friends or a lover that plays hard to get. They do take no for an answer and don’t seek without shame. Their esteem is not affected by the approval or attention of anyone.

You portray the right image. I cannot count the number of women I’ve encountered on my beloved Instagram who shows more skin than patrons of a nude beach. If I could ask these overly eager ladies one question it would be, “Do you want to be taken seriously or do you seriously just want to show off?” Because you can’t have both. A woman is not desperate for attention, and especially not the wrong kind. Mind you; this is coming from someone who was on the cover of Playboy Romania. But I have paid my dues to society and suffered the consequences of portraying the wrong image. We evolve, we grow, and we learn. And the sexy woman, she has learned to show just the right amount of skin while showing much more intellect.

You don’t compete or belittle. A woman who degrades another woman is merely a little girl in grownup clothes. Women don’t hate other women. They support them. If they don’t agree with something, they criticize constructively and show the right way. But they don’t call other women names simply for the fun of it. Even if another woman has done something wrong, retaliating with insults is uncalled for. Sit pretty like a lady and let the universe return its karmic rounds.

You nurture. Even in our modern world, we remain a gentle, caring gender. A woman does not wall up her abundance of empathy because she’s scared to look weak; a real woman allows her compassionate instincts to flow freely for all those around her. It is okay to care, to nurture others and nourish their spirits. This doesn’t make you any less of a powerful female. The next time your partner’s had a rough day, embrace them. When your friend is feeling low, bring over something special to console them. If your parents are struggling, offer to help in whatever way you can. To be conscious of and careful with others is captivating in every way.

You display wisdom. There is nothing sexier than a wise woman. Our wisdom is inherent, and we can cultivate our intellect. A truly appealing woman thinks before she speaks and acts. She has formed a close bond with her intuitive voice and often “feels” her way through important matters. She reverts to the eternal principles of our world as her commandments: be patient, don’t take what isn’t yours, don’t make the same mistake twice, and so on. Wisdom can be developed at any age and contributes tremendously to the charm of a woman.

You don’t tell everything. We’ve all seen Sex and the City; four gal pals gather together to divulge every (and I do mean every) detail of their lives to each other in search of guidance and common sense. And this seems normal — after all, who can you vent to if not your best friend? Not so fast. Remember that your “BFF” also stands for biased, fragile and flawed. She will advise from her own experience without trying on your shoes. I’ve seen many cases in which a girlfriend turns out to be a greater enemy because of subconscious envy or personal beliefs. Don’t automatically run to your best friend to complain about your boyfriend. In (short) time, she’ll develop a negative impression of your partner and her suggestions will turn negative. Seek the answers within you: pray, meditate, ask for signs as to what you should do. The truth is that you already know in your heart what steps to take without spilling the secrets of your life to Rachel, Jennifer, or Anna. Friends come and go, dear as they may be. The only two relationships in your life that are permanent fixtures are the relationships you have with yourself and, hopefully, with Spirit. Work to foster both faiths in the divine and in yourself, and you won’t feel the need to reveal the details to others. In short, learn to think for your own sexy self.

You maintain your household. If only for yourself and for no one else, a real woman still knows how to cook and clean. She makes her bed before leaving for work, even if nobody visits her home that day. Nowadays, many women have forgotten how to make a meal, scrub a tile, or sew a torn garment. But until Apple invents the iMaid, such old-world traditions are still needed, not to mention undeniably sexy. After all, what more alluring than a woman saying, “Come, I’ll make you dinner?” A woman maintains her possessions and environment in excellent condition. Because the way you respect your home, car, and other valuables speaks volumes about the way you respect yourself.

You aren’t dominated by negative emotions. Nothing turns off her partner more than a woman who dramatizes tiny matters, cries more than she smiles, or is outrageously needy. Women have gained this awful reputation for being exaggeratedly emotional. And aside from likely ruining your relationships, allowing yourself to be dominated by negative feelings simply isn’t healthy on any level. Pay close attention to your emotions throughout the day: Do they shift quickly, and do you go from being happy to sad in seconds? Do you spend more of your day anxious or worried that you do relaxed and reassured? Do you snap at others or become upset over negligent things? It may not be you, but the people in your life, who contribute to such dangerously fluctuating feelings. But emotions can be controlled. The more you train yourself to react in a certain way, the more you establish new pathways for the neurons in your brain. The more often you respond by crying and yelling, the more deeply you carve that particular neural pathway. But if you force yourself to remain calm and reason through a situation, you set that up as an automatic reaction in time. Even emotions are the result of habit, and the sexy woman has gotten into the habit of mastering her emotions so that they cannot master her.

As women, we want to be considered sexy for far beyond our great looks. If being a woman is a journey, then being a sexy woman of substance is reaching the peak of the mountain. But there are many twists and turns along the road to real sexiness that require us to make the right decisions. Live by the ten rules of being a woman and inspire others to follow in your gracefully sexy footsteps.

Golden Divas what makes you feel and look sexy?

For me, it’s my confidence, and intellect that makes me feel sexy; especially when I am being creative composing my thoughts into beautiful words. As far as clothing it’s when I wear a fitted turtleneck and a nice pair of jeans with boots.

